More Info/FAQ

Jun 15, 2007 20:20

You guys sick of me yet?

Here's the FAQ, I just got finished with it.  It's subject to change and I'm open to suggestions/questions, so have at it.

Under a cut because it's hella long.

FAQ section:

This is for all the questions that have been popping up, and all of these are subject to change as things come up as well.  Feel free to ask anything you like in the comments. :)

1. Can Heartless be hurt by flashlights?

- Lol, it’s kind of a moot point right now as we’re all scattered around.  Using game knowledge, I would say that no, flashlights really wouldn’t help kill them but it might drive them a way for a bit. We’ve seen them attack in daylight, so, might as well use the flashlight as a club. :D

2.  When did this start?

- June 14 was when this idea was born and the 15th was when everything started.

3. How many items can I have? And for the backpack-how big is it?

- Please limit the items you carry to one or two, though for pets we’ll make an exception as long as you don’t like, bring twenty of your kittens.  The backpack is one that normal people would carry to school. Only things in it are what would be reasonable for you to stick in if you’re in a hurry.  A laptop is a given and does not count for your items.

4.  When the hell are we?

- This is a sort of hard question to answer. Right now, at the start of the game, we’re about a year to a few months before the start of KH.  It is up to you to decide how you would like to work the worlds  (I heard POTC turn up) so long as you make it believable. Just make sure that the other people in your world will know what is going on.

5. Do we interact with the KH characters, or Disney ones?

- This one is up to the people as they live in the worlds. You are not allowed to hint to the characters that you know what’s going on- think of it like you’re going back in time and if you do something to interfere with time, the game will have changed. We want to avoid this- this is to see how you can adapt.  So yes, interact, be happy and braid each others’ hair, whatever, but try to keep it up with the timeline as it goes.

6.  Do you have a life? (Yes, someone asked me this, lol, and asked it to be put here.)

-No. Yes, I do. That’s why it’s taking me so long to do everything- there’s a lot of members and I only have two hands. XD

7. Can I become a Heartless/Nobody if they take my heart/they bite me/if I sell my body to the pre-Organization?

- Haha, no, not yet. As much fun as I know it would be to be Heartless/Nobodies, this is only the first actual day of things happening and we want people to mingle, get to know each other, figure out what is going on and give us time to work out the kinks of the system. :)

8. …Is earth really gone?

- Yes!  Just think of it this way, that teacher you always hated? Gone! And no more gym class! Or essays!

9. Are we allowed weapons?

- Yes, you are allowed weapons as long as they are reasonable. Depending on where you are, you might even be able to barter off some of your stuff that you brought and get something good from a Moogle. You can’t get a Keyblade or a Gunblade or Marluxia’s scythe, lol.  Think reasonable things that you can /protect/ yourself with.

10. Are we allowed to learn magic?

- No, not yet. Not everyone is at a place where they can learn, so more on this later.

11. Do we get munny from killing the beasties?

- Yes, yes you do! It’s what happened in KH, right? However, you do not get to level up, or do any of that fancy stuff Sora does, as while we’re sure you’re cool, you’re not really allowed to be a Mary Sue/Stu.  This doesn’t mean you can’t have taken gymnastics or karate as I know I did when I was little, so it might give you an edge, but try to keep everything believable.

12. Hey, hey, can I…you know, “hook up” with a character?

- Please, for the love of God, no. I can see how that would go, hoards of fanboys and fangirls getting into fights over who their darling Sephipoo was really in love with. Just. No.

13. I call bullshit- do we really all have internet?

- Sit down and drink your goddamn tea.  And yes. :D

14. What’s the policy on spoilers?

- None. It’s been a year since KH2 came out and we’re not going to make you limit what icons you can use, or not talk about how this or that happened. For the FM+ stuff,  I will say try to keep what’s going on spoiler-wise to a minimum, since that hasn’t come out to anywhere else yet.

15. Policy on cursing?

- Disney game yes, but this is fandom. We posted to KHyaoi, and KHFFR, if that says anything. Pretty boys and fun times bitching about badfic. It’s all good.

16. Er, weren’t posts supposed to start on the 15th, not earlier?

- Yeah, actually they were, but people started posting and having a good time, so we didn’t really care. It just made things a little harder to keep track of.

17. I have a little brother/sister/thing and I don’t want them to die!

- Guys, this isn’t real. If you look at game canon, remember that little kid in KH1, the one who was all, “D: My parents didn’t make it, woez.” He had to deal, and to keep it real, you all do too. :D Yes, we’re evil like that.

18. What are all the worlds that have been taken?

- Oh god, here we go. Twilight Town, Space Paranoids, The Sword in the Stone, 100 Acre Wood, Rhapsody in Blue, Halloween Town/Christmas Town (are combined), Sleeping Beauty’s world, Agrabah, Nottingham/Sherwood Forrest, New York/The Rescuers, Olympus Coliseum/Underworld, Wonderland, Brother Bear’s world, Pride Lands, Destiny Islands, Atlantica, Hunchback of Notre Dame, The End Of The World, Port Royal, Radiant Garden, Traverse Town, Beast’s Castle, Treasure Planet, Gummi Bear world, Lilo and Stitch.

19.  Can I change forms? Please?

- If you’re in a world where you /can’t/ be human (such as Pride Lands, Atlantica, etc.) then yes, you may. This doesn’t mean that if you’re in Traverse Town you can be a puppy.  For Atlantica, however, if you're part of the human world, then that's fine.

20. Can I pop in to other worlds where I know my friend is?

- I don’t have any problem with this, but pleasepleaseplease make sure that if you’re not from that world, you do use [[]] or (…). Avoids confusion.

21.  What if I forget tags? Will I get b& banned?

- No, no, but please, if you forget at least try to add it in later. We won’t kill you, don’t worry.

22. What if I forget […] or (…)?

- I’ve got no problem with you deleting a comment so long as you make a note in the new one as to why you deleted it. Deleting for typos is cool, too.

23. What if I don’t understand something?

- Ask me- I don’t bite. My contact info is in the profile of the comm.

24. …Am I still allowed to join even if it’s already started?

- Of course! :) We welcome anyone who would like to play. The more the merrier.

25. What about transportation? WHAT IF I HATE MY WORLD? D:

- Fun question. So this is what everyone should take note of.  On every Wednesday (starting on the 20th of June) there will be a train that will give you a free transport to any world that you so wish, that’s open. This way if you would like to switch worlds, you aren’t confined to a single world.  There’s a catch, though- you may only choose one world every week. You can’t take a train and go to X then to Y then to L.  Nice try.

Note 26 for another exception.

26. What is the list of worlds who have transportation?

- As of right now, the list of worlds that have/are allowed to have one extra trip, are Treasure Planet, Monstro, Peter Pan, Rescuers New York, and Rhapsody in Blue. What does this mean?  These are worlds that have a way of traveling to other worlds that is actually pretty canon. If you land on/are on one of these worlds, you are allowed one more trip in a week’s time. Will we be keeping track of exactly where/how many times you’ve landed? No, but please try to wait a week- it spoils the fun if you don’t. You may make your second trip (if your world allows) at any time during the week.

27. What if I miss out?! D:

- It’s really only a week away, don’t worry. Also, if you know you will be missing Wednesday due to church/work/college, you can er, sneak aboard a train late Tuesday night. How would we know?

28. ...Are we still fighting Heartless?

- Depends where you live.  Hollow Bastion/RG will be seeing more than most, as they started this whole mess, but you might end up seeing a few. Not a lot, but a few.

29.  Wait, if we’re switching worlds, how does this work? oO

- Gooooood question. Every Wednesday, people will claim worlds once more. That means that yes, the whole process starts allllllll over. Example- you’re on Atlantica when the next Wednesday rolls around but you don’t want to switch worlds. Simply ditch that post and go to the next one. If there isn’t one, make one. :D Basically, regardless of if you’re coming or going or if you switch worlds, you find the most recent post and start there.

30. How will we know like, anything?

- Hi, my name is Tag. I’m your bff and I’d like to be your love-slave. Here, let me get you cookies and cake and tea and stuff, just /use/ me. That’s right, use tags to keep track of everything.


In fact, here’s a list of tags!

For worlds, use the tag name of the world: Atlantica, Neverland, Pirates of the Caribbean, 100 Acre Wood, etc. Try not to abbreviate as people might not do it the same way as you do.

Mods (Rii and I) will use the following tags for ourselves: modpost, mod post, information, faq, alerts.

If you have questions, simply label it : question(s)

Off topic, but still relevant to this comm? Label it : OT or off topic

This is going to be edited as things come up, don’t worry. Feel free to ask more questions or bug me if I’ve missed any. I’m multitasking like whoa and I’m sure I might have missed something.

mod post, information, faq

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