[[Rhapsody in Blue]]

Jun 15, 2007 19:20

Mmm... wow, I never thought bread and beef broth would taste so good.

I've managed rather well today -- I've been chilling out mainly by the subway and picking up munny on the floor that fall from peoples' pockets. 
My current grand total?  About... 23 munny, plus a bottle cap and a coupon for free Bacon and Eggs at some diner.
I found a bread line while I was wandering around this afternoon, so I got in line and managed to get some dinner.

Like I said, bread and beef broth are hella fine.

I'm kinda getting used to this place; the whole "nothing but music" thing is actually kinda cool, once you get used to it.
I always liked oboes, anyways.
Also?  The color on everything is out of this world.  I'm going to try and save up enough money for a camera or something so I can show you what it looks like, it's utterly fantastic.

...I'm still in a bit of shock over what's happened.
There weren't many heartless around my house when the world went kablooey, so I can only hope my family made it out okay.  I wouldn't doubt it if they did, they're hardy people.
Still, I'm really worried.

I'm going to try and look for more munny near the bars; I saw a hotel advertising rates at 100 munny per night, which is a really good deal and awfully cheap.  It's the Depression after all, I guess.

rhapsody in blue

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