Watching Over You - Chapter 19

Sep 03, 2012 21:17

Title: Watching Over You - Chapter 19
Author: Bluespire
Pairing: Ville/Bam, Ville/Migé
Summary: Ville is a Viking warrior, eldest son of Kari, a Viking Jarl. Bam is a slave (called a thrall). What happens when Ville pays Bam's slave price and moves him from the kitchens into his bed?
Rating: NC-17 for the series
Disclaimer: While Ville, Bam, Migé ( Read more... )

watching over you, vam

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Comments 29

grumpybluebear September 5 2012, 04:15:37 UTC
I am so happy to find an update to this amazing story.
Wonderful as always and I cannot wait to read more :)


bluespire September 5 2012, 04:25:46 UTC
:) Thank you for the lovely comment and for staying with this story. :) Means a lot to me. :) Hopefully more soon. :)


annushkazhivago September 5 2012, 06:13:38 UTC
Update, yay! *I forgot to check this lj yesterday*
Poor Bam. I hope he's okay.
*wacks Mige upside the head* Bad Mige, bad.
Great chapter! I didn't want it to end. I can't wait to see what happens next. <3


bluespire September 6 2012, 03:46:08 UTC
Ugh, it was kind of short but I'm glad you liked. I will try try try to get more up soon. I actually have some ideas for the next so if I can just carve out some time to get them down, it might actually happen in a timely manner.

And you are commenter #7. I always joke with myself that if I can get at least 8 comments I'm happy. Last time there were only 7 but I got a PM from a shy person so it equaled out in my mind. *crosses fingers* :)


mildly_neurotic September 6 2012, 12:23:10 UTC
Migé is such a jerk. Thank goodness Ville saved Bam. Bit unsure if he arrived in time to save his virtue though. Looking forward to the next chapter!!


bluespire September 7 2012, 03:58:10 UTC
Yay, you are commenter #8, the story can continue. Yes, J2 writers strive for a minimum of 150 comments...I strive for 8. Last chapter I had to beg MJ to come read and count a PM as a comment to get them but by God, I got them.

Okay, I'll stop with the sarcasm just because it's actually pitifully true and I'm depressing myself. Glad you liked chica. Thanks for reading and for the comment. :) Oh and hey, I got your post card and keep meaning to send you a thank you. There is something so nice about getting actual mail from a friend. :) Thanks lady. :)


mildly_neurotic September 7 2012, 09:33:31 UTC
Oh my. You have to keep going. I'd be miserable if I don't get to read the whole thing. Vam has sadly become a niche fandom, but you have your loyal few.

J2 writers get 150 comments? Even in it's heyday I don't think many Vam stories got near that many O.o. On AO3 I might get a thousand hit counts and yet only three or four comments on my Sherlock stuff. Commentors are stingy! hehe

Glad you got the postcard! :-) I actually have a few little things set aside for you, but was trying to make a package as thoughtful as the one you sent me. Apparently I suck at this. *giggle* Sorry!


bluespire September 7 2012, 22:52:09 UTC
I've read J2 fics with 600+ comments albeit some of those were from the author and they were fics that have been out there 2-3 years. Still, I'd say in many cases far more than 1/2 of the comments were from readers.
As far as AO3, I don't feel like AO3 facilitates comments as well as LJ does. It's the way it's formatted. Just my opinion.

Yeah, I know. Who reads VAM? Neither boy doing anything very public and no relationship to speak of. Ah well. Like I said, I've lowered my standards to 8. If I can get 8, I'm happy.

You don't have to send a care package but I can't help but be intrigued... what might be in there? LOL. And you don't suck lady. :) I appreciate the thought. :)


chelseatoddx September 16 2012, 22:11:57 UTC
So I just devoured every chapter of this story, and it's left me longing for more! It's beautifully written, and very vivid. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I'm super excited! :D


bluespire September 16 2012, 23:53:28 UTC
Yippee!!! A ninth commenter! It's like a bonus. (ha ha, my own little joke). I'm so happy you like. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I'm just on my way to try to hash out the next chapter. It's like pulling teeth for me to carve out any time for it lately but I finally did. Hopefully I'll have something soonish.


chelseatoddx September 17 2012, 19:08:35 UTC
It will be worth the wait!


helli2211 September 17 2012, 07:05:18 UTC
Burton is still my favorite in the story :A


bluespire September 17 2012, 14:23:54 UTC
IKR? Burton is awesome. He turned out so kind and gentle. I wanted a bigger role for him but it just didn't work out. He plays a smallish but important part. Thanks for reading and for the comment. More very soon. I almost have the next one done. :)


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