Watching Over You - Chapter 19

Sep 03, 2012 21:17

Title: Watching Over You - Chapter 19
Author: Bluespire
Pairing: Ville/Bam, Ville/Migé
Summary: Ville is a Viking warrior, eldest son of Kari, a Viking Jarl. Bam is a slave (called a thrall). What happens when Ville pays Bam's slave price and moves him from the kitchens into his bed?
Rating: NC-17 for the series
Disclaimer: While Ville, Bam, Migé, Kari, Dunn, Burton, Missy and some of the others mentioned within this story are real people, the events that take place in this work of fiction are not real. No harm or offense is meant by the characters and events depicted within.
Author's Notes: It's been a long time... again. d'oh! Thanks again to my loyal readers still sticking with this one.

Warnings: Implied and attempted rape (although not graphic). Read at your own risk


The party had completed their first day of raiding and had made their way up the coastline a bit to a secluded spot for the evening. It was a little less protected than sleeping on the boats but they were less visible than on the water and being on land would allow them an early start in the morning.

Ville unfurled his blanket and his eye caught on Bam laying his bedroll out on the ground under a tree a short distance away. Ville enjoyed the sight of him as he spread the blanket, then bent at the waist, stretching to smooth the wrinkles.

"Bam," Ville called, getting the thrall's attention and met his eyes when Bam looked up in surprise. "I would speak with you."

Bam flushed and looked to the ground before hurrying to stand before Ville.

"Place your bedroll closer to mine." Ville tried to make it sound gentle but it was a command, not a suggestion.

"Oh," Bam seemed startled. "I mean, I didn't think..." Bam's words seemed to sputter to a stop, as his face became even redder.

Ville enjoyed the emotion on the thrall's face. It was a sight he'd sorely missed and he stopped to appreciate Bam's long lashes as they brushed his pink tipped cheeks before continuing.

"You are less protected under the tree." Ville spoke softly, watching Bam's face. "A warrior will keep watch but someone could sneak up on you as you sleep if your bedroll is too secluded. I have been trained to sleep very lightly while raiding. I would have you near me so that I can see to your safety."

If possible, Bam's face flushed even redder and he nodded quickly before turning and snatching his blanket from where he had positioned it. Ville smiled and set about laying out his own bedroll. That night Ville slept even more lightly then normal, conscious of he thrall's quiet breaths in the still night air.


Another successful day of raiding under his belt, Ville felt like he could take on the world. He could feel his heart beating hard in his chest with the euphoric feeling of power their victories had brought. He hauled his take up the beach and dropped it in the pile being loaded into the boats. Turning, he took stock of the men assembled there, counting them quickly. There were a few still to arrive.

Even though there were warriors assigned to protect the ships, Ville kept himself on guard, conscious of their perimeter. He hadn't thought any of the townsfolk were following but better safe than sorry.

Looking about him, Ville noticed Bam and Dunn moving up the beach to collect the bags deposited there. Moving without thinking, Ville strode forward and swept Bam into a fierce hug, then kissed his lips firmly before returning him, surprised and flushed onto the beach and swatting him on the backside. "Get this loot to the boats," he shouted, ignoring Bam's stunned expression.

Later he asked Bam to clean and bandage a cut he'd received on his arm. Bam's hands were warm and gentle as he performed the task. Ville closed his eyes and enjoyed Bam's soft touch around the fiery edge of his wound.

The morning of the third day of raiding, scouts discovered a monastery. It was risky to try to breach the kind of defenses a monastery was sure to have, especially as they had been raiding in the area the past two days. Chances of word being spread were good and monasteries were always better protected than anything else. Despite the risk, or perhaps because of it, the take was always the best as well so they had gone ahead with little hesitation. It had gone well with only a few casualties, no more than what was normal for this kind of conquest. Still, they fought long and hard into the night. By the time Ville made his way back to the boats, he was dead on his feet, barely able to carry his bag of loot. His arms and one thigh had bad gashes but nothing to worry about. It was dark as he approached the boat, the warriors left behind to protect it lighting no unnecessary fire that would attract attention. As he drew nearer, Ville was surprised to make out the faint sounds of swordplay getting louder with each step. His energy suddenly picked up and despite the slim chance that he would be heard over the sounds of metal clashing, he purposefully made his footfalls silent as he skirted around a bank of trees near the beach.

At the edge of the clearing, the blood drained from Ville's face as he saw where the fighting lay. Several men with staffs and one with a sword had engaged two of Ville's warriors. A Viking man lay slumped at the base of one of the boats but Ville could not identify him. Ville dropped his bag at the edge of the copse of trees and pulled Skrymir from its scabbard, eyes searching frantically for Bam as he moved to engage one of the men outnumbering his own. The fight was quick. Ville was joined quickly by Migé and another two warriors. While Ville fought, he kept an eye out for Bam, becoming more and more frantic the longer Ville could not see him. When it appeared that the tide was turning, Ville felt a firm hand on his shoulder followed by Burton's lean form leaning against his side.

"Go find him," Burton whispered urgently into Ville's ear.

Ville didn't stop to question Burton's words, just placed his hand over the one on his shoulder and squeezed before turning and heading toward the form he'd spied slumped on the beach. Carefully rolling the man onto his back, Ville identified him as the blacksmith, Dunn. He had a bloody cut on his forehead and appeared to be in a deep faint. Ville could see no other injuries. The fighting at the boats was almost over but Ville was not sure that it was yet a safe place for someone who was not awake to defend them self. Ville hefted Dunn into his arms and carried him a short way to the pile of loot that lay on the beach. One of Ville's men stood to defend it and Ville gently lay Dunn down on the sand.

"Watch him until he is awake enough to defend himself."

The man nodded. Ville returned to the copse of trees and quickly relocated his own take to the pile before moving to investigate a series of scuffed foot prints he'd noticed leading away from the scene of the conflict. The prints disappeared quickly in the underbrush of the dense forest but Ville could still track the progress of whomever had made them by following snapped branches and scuffles in the forest floor covering. After a minute or two, Ville heard a whimper that made his blood run cold. Bam! his heart screamed and he picked up his pace.

The man was a big one, a head taller and significantly broader than Ville himself. Ville rounded a wide oak trunk just in time to see the man strike Bam's face with a blow that snapped his head back on his neck. Bam's body went limp with the blow and Ville noticed a second later that he was held up by the man's meat handed grip on Bam's tunic. The man turned Bam's body around roughly and Ville saw that Bam's pants had been stripped from his legs. Ville registered that the man's own trousers were open in the front as Skrymir connected with the sensitive spot where the man's shoulder met his neck. The man slid to his knees, losing his grip on Bam as he fell. Ville struck again, killing the man with his blow but not sparing him another glance as he turned to the thrall, slumped on the forest floor, one knee awkwardly jammed under his body, his hands bound roughly behind his back.

"Bam," Ville crooned, desperation in his voice as he gently eased the thrall onto his back over Ville's crouched legs. Ville quickly looked around them to assure that they were alone before turning his attention back to the thrall.

"Gods, Bam, please wake," Ville whispered urgently, checking the inert body in his arms. Bam had several welts and bruises forming on his face where he must have been struck several times and Ville couldn't quite tell with his hands bound but it seemed that one of his arms fell at an odd angle. Ville shifted Bam onto one shoulder so that he could slit the rope holding his wrists. The thrall groaned as his arms fell to his sides but he remained asleep. Checking quickly for other injuries but seeing none, Ville carefully folded Bam's arms about his stomach and lifted the thrall into his arms, making his way back to the boat.

Most of the warriors had returned. The attackers had been dealt with. Only one had escaped, trying to make way with one of the warrior’s bags, and Burton had followed him until he was stopped.

Loot was being loaded quickly into the boats as the party prepared to depart. Ville strode toward his own vessel with his thrall. Migé tried to stop him with a hand on his arm but Ville shrugged him off.

"What is the count?" he called to Burton.

"You two were the last."

"How is he?" Ville gestured toward Dunn with his chin.

"He is awake but can not yet stand," Burton answered as he leaned down and urged Dunn's arm around his shoulder, helping the blacksmith to his feet.

"We have not the room for two thralls who can not row," Migé called out loudly.

Ville was conscious of several warriors stilling and turning to watch Ville's reaction.

"We leave no man behind," Ville announced, no hesitation as he forged ahead with his burden.

“He is not a man.” Migé’s voice rang out in the clearing.

Ville continued as if the warrior had not spoken, maneuvering Bam into the longboat and gently settling him before turning and striding toward Burton.

“I have not the time for your narrow mindedness and petty jealousies, Migé. It is my party. Either assist us or remain behind,” Ville snapped as he moved to Dunn’s empty side and put the blacksmith's unoccupied arm about Ville's shoulders. The other warriors turned back to their own tasks, taking the matter as settled.

“Be careful,” Burton warned in a hushed voice across the dazed blacksmith.

“No, Janne.” Ville used the man’s real name rather than the nickname by which he was more commonly known. “He will accept me as his master in this. If he cannot, then he is of no use to me. There is not enough room for two who would lead,” Ville returned without hesitation.

“But he has the right to voice his opinion, even if it one that you do not want to hear.”

“Not now, not when a speedy departure is crucial. He will keep his mouth closed and follow orders or he will not be a part of the party. This is my final word.”

Burton said nothing else as they helped Dunn onto the boat, then assisted in pushing it from its place on the sand. Within moments, all three of the Viking ships were out to sea.

Chapter 20 (final chapter) - Love

watching over you, vam

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