
Feb 18, 2013 19:06

As much as I kvetch about work, because my boss drives me nuts and my coworkers do as well, I love what I do. I get that safety is boring to most people and that accounting is even worse. I love it. I love making safety a "want to" instead of a "have to". I get jazzed every time someone tells me that they're learning and love working here and how ( Read more... )

babbling, personal, work

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Comments 19

shygryf February 19 2013, 02:13:16 UTC
Go you!


wook77 February 19 2013, 03:25:31 UTC
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Danke!


tripperfunster February 19 2013, 03:24:43 UTC
You go gurl!
Was this at the shelter? Or a different job? Because... I can't think of how you'd get a bad rating at a shelter ...?

Regardless, that is pretty amazing, and yes, you should get a raise. Maybe figure out how much you are saving them in insurance, and put that number on the table???


wook77 February 19 2013, 03:30:26 UTC
Yup, at the shelter. And getting a bad insurance rating is really easy, actually. Have enough bites, shoulder strains, slips/trips, falls, etc, and you can get a bad rating quickly. Like, we would have 40-50 bites a year. Our one shoulder strain ended up costing the insurance company almost 90k between teh shoulder sugeries, the neck surgeries and all the physical therapy.

We're wicked amounts down from that, now.

And yeah, I'm definitely going to put the amount that I'm saving them on the table. Cause in addition to the .82, we now qualify for the creme de le creme of insurance and can get another 25% discount on top of the reduction that our eMod gives us.


tripperfunster February 19 2013, 03:46:43 UTC
I guess that's the difference between Canada and the States.

We have to have insurance, of course, but it's more for lost income than surgery and such.

50 bites a year is ... A LOT OF BITES! Holy shit! Are you rescuing dogs or dingos? ;)


wook77 February 19 2013, 03:48:57 UTC
Yeah, ours is to cover lost income and the surgery costs and such.

Yeah, 50 bites a year isn't awful when you consider we have a few thousand dogs/cats a year. We also have a potbellied pig bite, a few ferret bites, some bunnies and a goat bite.


(The comment has been removed)

wook77 February 19 2013, 04:12:59 UTC
Hee! THANKS! I have a lot of fun doing a lot of the stuff. We're going to be doing an organization wide safety thing involving a zombie apocalypse. That way, people will know where safety equipment SHOULD be kept and what it does. IE - the fire extinguishers can kill a zombie, the first aid kits heal a zombie bite, etc. WE have one team of zombies that will try to infect the whole place. It should be wicked amounts of fun.


dark0feenix February 19 2013, 13:21:44 UTC
*\o/* Go you!


wook77 February 24 2013, 04:21:04 UTC
Thanks! I'm still buzzing over it!


wendy February 19 2013, 13:24:30 UTC
You are amazing.


wook77 February 24 2013, 04:21:20 UTC
<3<3<3 Thanks! I have to admit that I'm feeling rather amazing right now.


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