(no subject)

Feb 18, 2013 19:06

As much as I kvetch about work, because my boss drives me nuts and my coworkers do as well, I love what I do. I get that safety is boring to most people and that accounting is even worse. I love it. I love making safety a "want to" instead of a "have to". I get jazzed every time someone tells me that they're learning and love working here and how much fun the job is.

So about three years ago, work was at rock bottom for our safety record. As far as the insurance company was concerned, we'd gone on a couple of drunk benders where we totalled shitloads of cars. We were about to get the worst of the worst insurance, the one that you have to beg/borrow/steal to even get and you pay through the nose for the privilege. I was tasked with getting our rating (the eMod), down to 1.25 from 1.85 (with 1.0 being industry average for amount/severity of incidents) within three years.

This year is year #3. I got the eMod down to .82. As in, far below industry average and well below the stated goal. It was fucking shitloads of work and ridiculous hours and lots of making an ass out of myself to make safety fun but I did it. I'm beyond pleased with myself.

Everyone told me that I couldn't get it down that low. When I said that I wanted us to be at .85 within five years, all the insurance industry experts (and I know a lot of them) literally laughed at me. One went so far as to put her arm around me, give a patronizing squeeze and tell me that a girl should have her dreams but that I should be "a bit more realistic" with a goal of 1.0 instead.

Fuck. That. Noise. I can't wait to show her our eMod tomorrow. I also can't wait for my review in a few weeks. I'd better have the biggest fucking raise in the entire world because I beat a five year goal that I was told was ridonk and impossible to begin with and I did it in THREE fucking years.

babbling, personal, work

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