(no subject)

Feb 17, 2013 14:56

Thought I'd post some of the photos of the newest acquisitions for my garden. It's not the biggest yard in the world but I'm getting smarter on how to use my small space. In preparation of shelving getting installed next weekend, I bought a bunch of plants this weekend. It was about 75 each day so perfect weather for gardening this weekend. I'll put the photos under the cut cause they're huge.

Petunia with a giant red flower






scabiosa (bought because it sounded like leviosa to me... yeah, HP nerd)

gerbera daisies


literally half my yard

I tried to label the plants but there are some other established plants in the photos like agave, my broccolis and the reamins of a hanging basket that has survived the winter. I picked flowers that encourage bees and butterflies to pollinate my veggie garden. The native bees here in Arizona aren't interested in stinging people so plenty of bees in a veggie garden is good.

I've HUGE plans for a veggie garden this year. I'm going to have at least three types of tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, and zucchinis. I also want to do blue potatoes this year. I have guttering for unique hanging baskets off my fence that I'm planning on using for a small herb garden. I want to do lots of random herbs that give off great scent, if just to cover the dog poop/pee smell that my yard has sometimes. Plus, the plants will give me a bit more privacy.

I never expected to get into gardening but, there you go. I hate the digging in dirt part but I love the way that the plants and flowers look.

garden, plants, personal, picspam

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