
Feb 12, 2007 09:03

wendy asked everyone to post a "Five Things We're Thankful For" sort of post to make the day flow better and so, of course, I obey. Go forth and do this yourself to get the karma flowing in a positive way ( Read more... )

slashcast, ramblings, writing, kotor_holo, religion!kink, five things, personal

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Comments 17

wendy February 12 2007, 16:53:24 UTC
Such a good list! And I love that you looked for positive in things like your job. (good point about just HAVING one, you know?)

Also, now I really want a Coke. I blame you.


wook77 February 12 2007, 22:36:40 UTC
Thanks! I'm doing my best to keep a happy outlook even though I'm falling the frick asleep here at my desk. OMG SO TIRED.

But, I have a diet coke and a pen, I think I can make an iv.


fiona_fawkes February 12 2007, 17:48:29 UTC
That is very surreal. And don't forget to ask for mileage reimbursement at work.


wook77 February 12 2007, 22:37:07 UTC
I remembered and then spent all of it on lunch. *woe*


irrevokable February 12 2007, 19:11:55 UTC
I feel reeeaally bad for Sazz. I want to make her an "I'm Sorry I Talk Too Much" card because she had to go through hell just to get her stupid Skype to work.

And omg, I have no words except Majorly Creepy about your morning. Hopefully there was Diet Coke this time instead of Diet Pepsi. That alone would be an act of God for me.


wook77 February 12 2007, 22:38:13 UTC
Hopefully, when we talk about brilliant experiences the next time (and I really hope we get a chance to do another one), she can go on and on about it because she's had such amazing experiences.

There is diet coke and it's sitting right next to me.


oconel February 12 2007, 19:28:38 UTC
I can't wait to hear you in slashcast :D

What happened to you this morning was weird *nods*


wook77 February 12 2007, 22:39:27 UTC
Oh man, I hope I don't come off sounding like a moron. It was loads of fun though. I had such a great time recording it!

It really was weird but also very interesting *grins*.


icyaurora8 February 12 2007, 19:38:47 UTC
LOL i always love reading u'r posts. I will say.. that is a bit creepy about the guy just disappearing, but I would have done the same thing. I'm a sucker for people who genuinely are appreciative of helping them out (if that makes sense). And I think you should tell us about the cracktacular trip your mum has planned!

As for headsets, my fiance and I bought a couple of headsets from Walmart, and I LOVE them. They are soo comfy and do not hurt my ears at all! Here's what it looks like http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/US/EN,CRID=103,CONTENTID=6339
It comes with little thingys to change the colors on the earpieces too. It says it's like 25 bucks on that website... but I think we only paid about $15 each for them at Walmart.


wook77 February 12 2007, 22:41:19 UTC
Thanks, I try to please *grins*.

The cracktacular trip is actually the basis of a book I'm trying to write so, unfortunately, keeping it to myself until I get it done, sorry.

Those are really nice. I'll have to see if I can get them somewhere. I boycott Walmart as I hate their politics so much but I'll look at Target. The ones I bought are going back on my way home today because they suck and they're also by logitech, which is odd that they have good ones and crappy ones.


icyaurora8 February 14 2007, 18:47:37 UTC
we had another logitech pair that i hated... it sucks around here, cause we have a million Walmarts, and not much else. i have to drive like... 20 minutes to go to a Target or something of the sort, so i usually end up at Walmart. but i agree with the politics... i'm not a Walmart fan, but sadly it's the place i go the most. i RARELY grocery shop there though, so at least i'm not giving them that business.

i'm looking forward to hearing about the cracktacular trip when you get around to writing it!

btw... i love u'r icon. i was giggling madly, and then had to save it. i used to watch him every day when i was younger!


icyaurora8 February 14 2007, 18:51:52 UTC
this was me btw... i just forgot to log in, lol.


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