wendy asked everyone to post a "Five Things We're Thankful For" sort of post to make the day flow better and so, of course, I obey. Go forth and do this yourself to get the karma flowing in a positive way.
1.) My job. As much as I might bitch about it at times, it really is the best place I've ever worked (and hey, I have one so there's a bonus as well). I'm going to be sad to see my boss move on as he's an alright sort of guy for the most part (if a bit anal retentive and overbearing and idiotic at times). Besides, I've never had a boss I can discuss the boy-touching love with.
2.) Diet Coke. Yesterday, I used what I thought was the Diet Coke at the fountain at Circle K and they'd hooked up Diet Pepsi to the dispenser instead. If I'd had some warning, I wouldn't have minded. Today, however, it was correct and that right there makes me happy and more awake. Also - my new Circle K has those "add-in" things so there's something even better than just Diet Coke. It's a Diet Rasberry Vanilla Diet Coke this morning and a Diet Cherry Vanilla Coke tomorrow!
3.) My flist. I wouldn't have nearly as much awesome in my life without them! Between bailing me out on the graphics things, sending me music or random mail, you guys are awesome. Then, add to it that there is all that wonderful fic to distract me from work and it doesn't get much better.
4.) My mum. I had a very surreal moment this morning and my mum had the nicest thing to say about it. She always adds a bit of clarity to any situation.
5.) My dayplanner. I've doublebooked dogsitting gigs in the past so I sucked it up and bought a dayplanner sort of thing and I haven't doublebooked since. SOOOO much less stress. I've come up with a shorthand system to track due dates for fic exchanges and such too so even LESS stress. Add to it that it doesn't gleefully announce Valentine's Day and I'm that much happier.
ETA: 6.) SANI-Seats. OMG, after my trip to the ladies room just now, I'm so very very thankful for sani-seats. Whoever invented these deserves to be sainted as it just stopped me from killing the little old lady that used the loo right before me.
Saturday morning was spent cleaning out the garage where I couldn't find my box of xbox games (I NEED a KOTOR fix, dammit!). After hauling boxes all over the sodding place, the garage is clean and walk-through-able again. We're having an open house on Sunday so it's fairly important that the garage look spacious. It now looks like the people living in the house are moving but not quite spacious. Oh well, it's the best we can do.
Then, my mum and my sister drag me off to go look at RVs. Why? They were having free food and my mum has this cracktacular trip planned (if I told you, you wouldn't believe me). The RVs we liked were actually fairly reasonably priced as well (which shocked me). Plus, I got free food and hit on by a couple of the mechanics. I also talked to the business manager who's looking for part time accounting help and so I'm putting a resume in to do their accounting at night. (I need a second job to pay for some bills so it would be nice to not be working for minimum wage)
On Sunday, I went to Best Buy, bought a headset (which, omg hurt my head so bad. They're totally going back because my ears hurt all night), and recorded an episode of
slashcast about RPGs.
irrevokable and
sazzlette and I all talked and gossiped about rpgs and slash and rpgs for what seemed like no time at all but was actually a few hours. Poor
sazzlette could barely get a word in edgewise with Elle and I talking back and forth with Charlotte. But, it was loads of fun and I'm so ready to do it again *grins*.
I finished one of three projects that I wanted to but the whole reason was that I spent almost all weekend playing KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic for the non-star wars fen on my flist). I'll finish at least one of those other projects today at work and then the other probably tonight. They only really need a bit more written on them.
Surreal experience this morning -
I've started going to a new Circle K due to ADOT thinking it's just peachy to shut down a huge stretch of the only highway in Tucson and fuck with my commute. When I pulled into the new Circle K, there was only me and the delivery truck in the parking lot (So, think HUGE open parking lot with a few gas pumps and nothing else). Homeless person was standing right there when I got out of my car and he asked for some change. I normally don't do this but he smiled and I thought he had a nice smile so I dug through my purse for some change, pulled out four bucks in coin and handed it over. He wanted to give me this really beat up cd player and I was all, nope, no thanks. Go in, get my pop (rasberry vanilla diet coke, omg yum) and come back out where he thanks me again and then says for me to have a nice day. I wish him the same and get in my car.
He's still smiling at me. I wave and start backing up, he starts limping across the parking lot. I'm still the only vehicle other than the delivery truck. The homeless guy disappears. As in, he's nowhere to be seen and the parking lot is empty so there's nowhere I could've lost him by him ducking behind a car or being able to walk the whole way across the parking lot or anything.
Delivery driver (who I know from being so regular at circle k, yeah, I'm a loser) waves at me. I roll down my window and ask him if he saw the dude and he says nope, not at all.
I'm slightly freaked but more bemused so I call my mum (when it doubt, mum has an answer, right?). Mum says that I did my good deed and reminds me about the whole "angels walk amongst us" thing (can you see where I get my religion kink? Yeah, I blame my mum too). So, either I handed my money to an angel or a homeless guy with a big limp that can run a marathon or go invisible. Either way, I feel alright for handing over my money to him as he was really nice and had a very friendly smile. (That has to be the stupidest reasoning I've ever heard so I'm mentally sporking myself for it already)
All in all, the disappearing act was surreal and I now have no cash until Thursday when I get paid. Which is ok as I have to ask for reimbursement for mileage at work and maybe this will be the kick in the arse I need to remember. *makes mental note* *promptly forgets*
legomymalfoy has kindly entrusted me with
hd_falling and I'm very excited for it! My favourite scenario is the falling in love kind so I'm looking forward to helming that comm and encouraging more of my favourite sort *grins*.
I'm also now the Tuesday Editor at
kotor_holo and so much excitement for that! I love KOTOR so much and am so encouraged to finally rewrite my gargantuan story that needs so much tweaking.