(no subject)

Feb 08, 2007 17:06

I'm in a spammy mood. Sorry but not really.

Had my review... it went really really well so thank you all so very very much for the great wishes and thoughts.

I'm uber uber annoyingly happy right now like you wouldn't believe... like I've NEVER been this squeeful except those two times I was proposed to and the one time when I dumped the motherfucker. See my icon? That's about what I'm doing in my seat. No, seriously, I'm bouncing and I don't fucking bounce so mock while the mocking's good *eyes feei*.

SOOOOOOO< YAYES. Not only that but I was expecting an increase of about 2.8% cause, err, I spend my work hours lj'ing and not actually working. Instead, I got 4.3%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My boss graded me higher than I graded myself during my self review too! SCORE!

Now, though? *braces for teh Universe to smite me for being happy*

Oh, fuck it, it's a good day! How are all you all?!

OMG, before I forget... the other thing making me happy? The fandom love meme at legomymalfoy's lj - goooooooo look for love! Seriously, OMG, SO MUCH LOVE from and for you all! YAYES!

And now that I'm annoying even myself with the overusage of caps and exclamation points, I'll leave it here. THANK YOU!!!!!! (ok, I couldn't resist)

bwee, fandom love, work

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