Long Day's Journey Into Night

Dec 02, 2006 20:09

OK...so you all know that i got stranded in Chicago on Thursday because of the snow. But after a relaxing evening and all of the breathless news reporting about the impending blizzard, who knew what would happen the following day? Would i get home? Would i be stranded and just stay for another week? Or would i wind up in a different city all together?

The morning was predictable. Work, work, work...all the way up to the minute it was time to catch the shuttle to the airport. That was the easy part... But what happened next? What do you think happened? Air travel and the weather is so damned unpredictable. So we'll let you decide! Read all of the possible scenarios and then make your choice! i'll tell you the correct answer tommorrow! And if you already know what happened, no fair telling.

Scenario One: Lucky Woofer!
When i got over to the airport, it was eerily slow. Sure the snow was still coming down, but it wasn't THAT bad i didn't think. All of the flights that morning had already been cancelled the day before, so the place was pretty much cleared out the night before. At 1230, ours was one of the first flights of the day. That was the problem. The snow was supposed to have tapered off by noon, but this was one slow moving storm. Well, we just weren't going on time. Delayed. The plane was there, but it's gotta lighten up before we could get out. So we hung around...go take a walk... Finally, at about 3, we got on-board. Of course, getting on-board is only the first step...you gotta get off the ground! And to do this, you need the deicers. And you gotta wait your turn. i drifted off here, so i'm not sure how long it was. When i woke up, we were in the air. WHOO-HOO!! St. Louis was the problem yesterday, so i knew we'd have no problems. A little late, but who cares? We were home.

Scenario Two: Where are we??
The call came in during the worst of the storm in the morning. Actually it was a text message: your 1230 flight has been cancelled. Call us, won't you? i called. All they had available was a 2:50 flight...to Des Moines!! WTF?? There were no direct flights going to St. Louis, so they could put me on the crop duster to Iowa and then catch the cattle car down to Saint Louie. The commuter jets are way out at the end of the G concourse, where normal people dare not tread. Not only is it way out there, it's almost subterranian. i'd grabbed a sandwich and a pecan roll at Cinnebon, but i ate them before we boarded. i expected the flight to be stuffed, especially since the downstairs gate area was packed. But the flight was only half full. Maybe the connecting flight was already fairly full. Who knew? But we were going and that's what mattered. Damn, a long boring flight. Des Moines was...well...Des Moines. Fortunately, there wasn't much of a layover and since i had my own bag there was no worries of it getting transferred: my biggest worry on connecting flights. The flight southeast was like the flight southwest...boring. But that's what i needed. We landed just shy of 7, about 24 hours to the minute after i was supposed to get in on Thursday.

Scenario Three: You've gotta be shitting me!!
So we were sitting on the puddle jumper to Des Moines. And we're sitting. "We're told that we have to wait for a crew member who is needed in Des Moines...we're not sure when...we'll keep you posted." i drifted off to sleep. i woke back up to another announcement...we're still waiting. Huh?? What time is it? The lady across from me said she was going to wake me...it had been almost an hour. Hey! Are we going to make our connection?? Finally, we get our passenger and get off the ground. Damn it was going to be tight. As it turned out, it didn't matter. Somewhere over the Iowa cornfields, they announced that the flight to St. Louis was cancelled since the plane was coming in from Cincinati and it wasn't coming anymore. GRRRRRRRRR.... Stuck in friggin' Des Moines?? After landing, they got the three of us that were going to St. Louis and gave us vouchers for the Drury Inn down the road. What sucked was the fact that their internet service was dead. How in the hell was i gonna find any fun?? So i got some lame ffod and hung out in the cocktail lounge hoping to seduce some straight guys. The problem was that Friday nights aren't the best for a business hotel...anyone with any sense would be home and not on the road. Boring. So i went up to watch bad TV and the next morning took the shuttle back to Puddle Jumper International (just kidding...there's nothing international about it). Hanging out until the 10:20 departure and home about 1:30 in the afternoon. Another day wasted. But the sun was shining and Matt was happy to have me home and safe, so i guess i can't complain. Then again, all this time wasted...yes, i CAN complain! *sigh*

Scenario Four: How Many Planes Must A woofer Fly?
So we were sitting on the puddle jumper to Des Moines. And we're sitting... Heard this one before? You know that passenger? He never showed. Well, maybe he did and maybe he didn't, but we didn't wait around for him. Hell, we were already going to miss the connection which, as it turned out, had already been cancelled. WTF? So, that was a wasted hour or two. i hear there's a 6:50 flight, but what to do? Let's hear it for me not being a chatty kathy; i still had the in-house rebooking number on my cellphone. So, while everyone else was in line, i was on the phone and she said she had me on that flight. The gate agent, who i told along with the other St. Louis-bound weary travelers, looked at the screen and said, "She's got you on that flight? It's already overbooked! Good luck." Well, we'll see. So i started heading out and left the punters at the gate. No reason to hang around. By the time i got to the H concourse, i was supposedly in business. i hit the kiosk, but it freaked out again. Finally, it gave me a print out to take to the gate. But that was two hours away, so hit the first gate with an agent not wrapped up in something and gave her my coupon. A few minutes later, i had a seat and a boarding pass. So it was a wait and see situation. Hell, no other direct flight to St. Louis had left in the last day and a half, so what were the chances. A plane had to materialize first. i talked to Matt and he said i should just stay and be safe and sound. The announced that the flight was overbooked...so who knew? It finally came down to boarding and as a Platinum member i got on first. the wait for the rest to board...and it was a 757, so that was a lot...seemed to take forever. But take off we did. After an uneventful flight, i walked in the door about 9pm. Done.

Work...there's always work...have internet connection will travel...

...when reporting the news becomes the news...

not much happening here

Project Runway...Winter Edition

Here's a neat trick...the big industrial dumpster thing is actually a snow melter! They scoop up all the snow, dump it in and it melts it and dumps the water down the drain. Pretty ingenious, don't you think?

In the air? On the ground? Here? There? Anywhere?
...and what about that beverage service?

Poll woofer's Quest To Get Home

Make your choices and tune in tomorrow to find out the answer!!

air travel, ohare, airlines, airports

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