Poll Results: "Where's woofer?"

Dec 04, 2006 18:03

Yes, i know i promised the results yesterday, but life got in the way. So, for your edification, here is the answer to the interactive blog certified by this woofy TSA Security Daddy who was hanging out at one of the security checkpoints at O'Hare because he literally did NOT have anyone to check. Mark your calendars, cats and kittens, 'cause you'll NEVER see THAT again. Well, not until the next big storm.

In case you missed it, i didn't get to fly home on Thursday and it was not looking so hot going into Friday. It was so confusing, that i made Saturday's entry interactive so you could guess what happened to me. So, if you'd like to play along, go and read those entries and guess before looking behind the cut.

Well, it was a helluva time getting home on Friday. And actually, bits and pieces of each one is true. But writing fiction isn't really my forte' and i was getting tired, so i didn't make them all equaly exciting. Therefore, a lot of you figured out that they really kinda follow from one to the next. i WAS supposed to be on the 1230. But the storm was slow, so it got cancelled. i WAS supposed to route through Des Moines. If you look at the schedule board, you'll notice that there are NO flights scheduled to St. Louis. So, i DID wind up on that plane and fell asleep...and the guy never showed up. Heck, when we finally gave up on Des Moines, the SOB hadn't even left Kalamazoo!! So i DID get the girl on the phone while the gate agent said "no way" and i DID wait and wait and wait at the kiosk. And i WAs quite prepared, if i did not get out on that mysterious 6:50 flight, to go to Hertz, get a car, drive back out to Warrenville and set up shop. i could always find a washing machine to rinse out my "unmentionables" and really don't care that i would be wearing the same stuff two weeks in a row. But in the end, i DID get out on that flight, a little bit late, and walked in the door right around 9:30 Friday night and into the arms of Matthew. So congratulations to everyone who picked Scenario #4. i guess i'm not as sneaky as i'd like to think i am.

And guess what...Matt said he was tired of being cooped up with the storms of the past couple of days, so we turned right around and went down to the bar. Heck, after that couple of days i could use a drink myself.

air travel, ohare, airlines, airports

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