Secret #13 Addendum: The Forbidden Househusbear

Apr 14, 2008 08:57

A little more information on secret #13 to give you all the intrigue involved. It was a risky relationship since while having a boyfriend while you're in the Army is "complicated" to say the least, actually living together is a major coup. Yep, Egon and i were shacked up in my Army-subsidized apartment. (Thank you my fellow americans...your tax dollars at work!) Oh well, soldiers tend to live dangerously anyway, don't we? To be honest, i had found an apartment with a "Schwiegermutterzimmer" or "Mother-in-law Room" which was a mini-suite with a bedroom and small kitchen/bath which, if anyone came calling or snooping, would be Egon's room that i was "subletting" to him. OK, so it wouldn't fool anyone but it was a good place to put the clothes schranks and i had an extra (full-size!!) fridge for beer and stuff which 99% of german apartment-dwellers would die for! But no one asked as long as the rent was within the specified range and i paid my bills on time and no eyes were raised at the housing office because it was actually fairly cheap. That's because renting as germans instead of americans, they didn't charge us a "blödeamibestraffung" ("stupidamericanpenalty"). So, not only do i win, i win BIG TIME!!
You can see all 30 of my secrets here.

secrets, 30secrets, army, egon

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