Icon Appreciation Month - Activity #4 - Inspired Praise

Nov 14, 2014 19:57

+ Welcome to Icon Appreciation Month Activity #4 - Inspired Praise

+ This activity is all about praising things that inspire you.
+ Praise here can take whatever form you wish. From a comment to an icon maker, to sharing a selection of icons. Praising some larger graphics or makers, or even sharing some music or artwork that inspires you. Share some icon challenges that you've found super inspiring, or some communities where each challenge pushes you to the limit.
+ There is no right or wrong here. It's all about sharing things to get those muses active and the inspiration flowing.

http://wonderous-stuff.livejournal.com/34522.html" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/ZTI8OQi.png">
http://wonderous-stuff.livejournal.com/34522.html">JOIN THE FUN

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+icon appreciation month, iam activity: praise

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