Mar 25, 2010 22:31
/quietly climbs on this wagon thing
What sort of character traits/types do you associate with me?
What sort of characters would you challenge me to play?
I realize to get meme results you should do them for other people. AND. I WILL.
The end.
memeing my memes
Oct 10, 2009 14:24
The minor character meme: Give me one or more of my characters and one minor character in their lives (i.e. their mother, their father, their first crush, their crazy neighbor lady, etc. etc.), and I'll tell you 5 facts AND who I'd use as a PB for said minor character.
Oct 03, 2009 11:14
So if I was talking to you last night arooound 1 AM EST, I am SORRY I VANISHED. This is because I just woke up now. At 11 AM. Still on the couch.
APPARENTLY I didn't get enough sleep this week.
I don't care, I was busy. >__>