Half alive or half dead, I just can't tell

Jun 28, 2006 09:52

No, I'm okay, but I dunno about the Deskpro...went home last night resolved to unplug all the peripherals and set it down next to the desk to await gutting in September, but after I cleared off all the papers and crap I had stacked on top of it I decided to power it up and see what happened. Amazingly enough, it booted cleanly, and ninety minutes ( Read more... )

anime iowa, tech stuff

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Comments 12

tokenfanboy June 28 2006, 16:39:48 UTC
As much as I don't like what has gone on with Evan's problems with AI, we don't know all the facts and it really isn't Anime Detour's business to be inserting itself into another convention's internal disputes. We wouldn't like it if another con did it to us. If you don't want to go or don't want to volunteer for them anymore, that's up to you as an individual.


wombat_socho June 28 2006, 16:56:08 UTC
Sorry, but I don't agree - when it affects our people (and I do regard jariten as one of our people), I think we have an obligation to speak up and say "This is wrong." Now, maybe the AI concom has good reason to do what they've done in the way that they've done it, but so far it's not passing the smell test.


tokenfanboy June 28 2006, 19:45:38 UTC
It sounds like Evan is handling it just fine without any outsiders getting involved. Anything that Detour or ATC could say or do would just tick AI off and likely make things worse for Evan.


wombat_socho June 28 2006, 21:55:55 UTC
I'm not saying we should do anything *now*. AI's not for a couple of months, and I for one am perfectly fine with waiting to see how this plays out. I'm just saying we should consider our options.


jariten June 28 2006, 16:44:09 UTC
Not sure if I should comment on this... I will first and foremostly say thank you for all the help. As you mentioned before, we have to do lunch/brunch at Convergence^-^.

I have contacted the necessary people to bring this issue to some kind of resolution, and I still have a lot of faith in the con, so there's still a good chance that things will right themselves before the convention. Most of the staff are not stuck in drama like the drama I am experiencing, and I belive that if there are problems in 2006, there's always the chance that those problems will be resolved for 2007. Most cons go through moments like this, and most pull through in one way or another.

Again, thank you!


wombat_socho June 28 2006, 17:00:34 UTC
We do indeed need to do the lunch/brunch thing at Convergence, and should probably swap e-mail about when.

I hope it all works out for the best between you and Anime Iowa. I've enjoyed working there as a volunteer these last few years and would hate to cross it off my list because somebody on concom went off half-cocked. As for AD/ATC doing anything one way or the other, well, I suspect we'll wait to see how this works out.


revolutionaryjo June 28 2006, 22:41:42 UTC
Personally, I'm waiting for the outcome before coming to any hasty decisions and I will be at the con this year one way or another as I've already bought my membership, asked for my days off, and have made my travel arrangements.

As for official support, my suggestion is to simply give the existing concom a chance before we take any action. Jumping all over them and pulling support at this point is only going to create a more awkward and tense situation for jariten and everyone else involved. It puts people on the denfensive and makes us look like jerks. If need be, we can discuss it in further detail after AI06 when there may be better information about what's happening and why.


wombat_socho June 29 2006, 00:30:00 UTC
I haven't made up my mind yet. Like you, I've already requested time off and reserved a room, so I'll probably end up going.

I'm just saying this looks bad and we ought to consider taking action if the AI concom and/or Mindbridge don't. I'm not saying we should pile on right away...by all means, let's wait to see what happens. I don't see how it makes us look like jerks to stand up for our own people when they're getting the slimy end of the stick, though.


433 June 29 2006, 04:52:10 UTC
Huh. I'd love/hate to know what that's about.


wombat_socho June 29 2006, 11:10:52 UTC
Turns out to be a false alarm caused by poor communications. "Never mind." [/Emily Litella]


jariten June 29 2006, 15:30:57 UTC
I agree with everyone that it's a good idea to let these things play out (especially since the problem was not the concom, but someone on a power trip with an active imagination. BLEH).

Sorry for the trouble, everyone.


wombat_socho June 29 2006, 18:40:30 UTC
Not a problem, d00d. If we didn't stand up for our friends when it looked like shit was incoming, WTF good would we be?


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