Half alive or half dead, I just can't tell

Jun 28, 2006 09:52

No, I'm okay, but I dunno about the Deskpro...went home last night resolved to unplug all the peripherals and set it down next to the desk to await gutting in September, but after I cleared off all the papers and crap I had stacked on top of it I decided to power it up and see what happened. Amazingly enough, it booted cleanly, and ninety minutes of timewasting with Luxor ensued. Based on this wild success, I decided to plug the speakers and Ethernet cable back in. This I then did...and after denying a couple of applications access to the Interwebs, it once again went splat. Hmmm. At least Cowzilla has found its way back to the wireless network after a couple weeks' flailing around failing to connect, so it's not like I'm totally without Internet access at home.

A lot of us on AD staff are pretty unhappy at what's happening to jariten at AI. It's a classic example of an innocent bystander getting hurt because he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time trying to do the right thing. phoenixalpha is furious and says she's not going this year, and I'm giving serious thought to staying home myself. Yeah, I already paid for my membership, but I usually spend most of my time down there volunteering, and under the circumstances I don't feel right about doing that. The way I see it, volunteering signifies that you support the convention and its staff, and I can't do that with a clear conscience at Anime Iowa this year because of what's been done to jariten.

Well, I don't need to make a decision on it right away, and neither does Detour - I've suggested to stuckintraffik that we might want to reconsider having a room party down there this year, all things considered, and that we might want to bring this up to the Board for possible action. Even if it's just a short note asking "WTF were you thinking?", I think we ought to take formal notice of this. We've learned a lot from Anime Iowa - maybe it's time we did a little schooling in return.

UPDATE: As it turns out, nothing needs to be done. The whole thing with jariten and AI turns out to be a communications problem, and I'm glad it's been resolved to his satisfaction.

anime iowa, tech stuff

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