On the Spike front, you know that's not going to happen anytime soon. For some reason, they want to focus on Angel. They made that new wartime comic with him, they even are redoing Smile Time. I don't think Spike is ever going to have his own major series, just snippets like Spike: After The Fall, Asylum, and Shadow Puppets.
And on the Sammy front, I think you know maybe he might slip, but it'll be okay because Dean will protect him then in the end, Sam'll probably save all the asses of the angels. Then we'll see who's laughing.
Well it will save me buying comics. Only in it for Spike, no Spike=me not buying comic! Not sure that Angel can carry a comic on his own, depends who they surround him with!
I have a sneaking suspicion that Dean was brought out of Hell to stop Sam from what he was doing after Dean died. I cannot see any other reason for them to do it. Dean may have saved lives, but so have other hunters, and I suspect no all of them ended up in Heaven. It was not as if Dean was God fearing before!
He's too depressing to carry a comic on his own. Angel always has to have those cheery upbeat characters to lighten the mood.
Yeah, I have a feeling he was too, but that doesn't mean he's actually going to do it. He might be telling Sam that he would to scare him, but I don't think he'd actually go and kill his brother purposely. He has always put Sam before everything else. I don't see why that would change because of a few pissed off angels.
I do already, joined quite a few. Still full of Daan fans. I mean they post icons posts there, and you are lucky to get one Sam and Dean icon, with Sam cropped to ribbons!
After reading the first couple of comics of Buffy and Angel, I decided unless it has good stories for Spike I wouldn't bother with them. It's why I have been more into fan fics of Spike. Those tend to treat Spike much better. I live in my own little Spike heaven. I do tend to go for darker Spike stories like spikes_evilbent writes cause she is a buddy of mine. She makes me hurt for him, but the stories are well written. Hey, plus slash with Spike!
I'm worried about how the new Dr will be written. I'll have to wait and see on it. Torchwood bothers me a little as well. The one character I can't stand is Gwen. Jack and Ianto I adore, but Gwen bugges me no end. Love some Janto. I cried buckets when they offed Owen and Toshiko. I remember Naoko Mori from Absolutely Fabulous which I loved like crazy.
Not even reading any fanfic. When I have the urge to read fanfic I tend to go back to authors, quite a few of whom have left the internet not just fandom, now!
I'm warming to Gwen in the second season. Really disliked her in the first. Loved Tosh, and Burn was one great actor!
Getting a bit worried about Sam Wincester in Supernatural as well. I feel too many fans are after his blood, just waiting to jump on him if he does a foot wrong. Not happy!
Yes, I don't get the Sam hate going on. It seems to me that in fandom's eyes Dean is perfect and Sam, no matter what he does or says or thinks, is doing something wrong. Lately I've been kinda absent on the SPN fandom because of all the wank.
Comments 38
And on the Sammy front, I think you know maybe he might slip, but it'll be okay because Dean will protect him then in the end, Sam'll probably save all the asses of the angels. Then we'll see who's laughing.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Dean was brought out of Hell to stop Sam from what he was doing after Dean died. I cannot see any other reason for them to do it. Dean may have saved lives, but so have other hunters, and I suspect no all of them ended up in Heaven. It was not as if Dean was God fearing before!
Yeah, I have a feeling he was too, but that doesn't mean he's actually going to do it. He might be telling Sam that he would to scare him, but I don't think he'd actually go and kill his brother purposely. He has always put Sam before everything else. I don't see why that would change because of a few pissed off angels.
I'm worried about how the new Dr will be written. I'll have to wait and see on it. Torchwood bothers me a little as well. The one character I can't stand is Gwen. Jack and Ianto I adore, but Gwen bugges me no end. Love some Janto. I cried buckets when they offed Owen and Toshiko. I remember Naoko Mori from Absolutely Fabulous which I loved like crazy.
I'm warming to Gwen in the second season. Really disliked her in the first. Loved Tosh, and Burn was one great actor!
Yes, I don't get the Sam hate going on. It seems to me that in fandom's eyes Dean is perfect and Sam, no matter what he does or says or thinks, is doing something wrong. Lately I've been kinda absent on the SPN fandom because of all the wank.
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