Ok, so you know my Doctor is Asexual. Not that he cannot love anyone who isn't a Time Lord, just that that love would be platonic. This of course gets in the way of reading shipper fic with The Doctor. It is so for from my Doctor you wouldn't believe
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Comments 22
Jack/Jack I never heard of or read before and neither would I bother either.
I can cope with very very VERY few ships in the Whoniverse and even those I can (there are only 2) are slash.....Which are by nature OCC anyway so dont really count at all.
But my COMPLETE Loathing rests at the moment on Doctor/Donna because it is SO SO SO SO unbelievably far from what I believe to be their relationship that I cant even bring myself to read one single fic where they are the pairing.
Damn it people! Just 'cause she's a female doesn't mean they have to bonk! D:
As for the slash thing, like I said it's OCC anyway so doesnt count. But I must admit I do like Jack/10 stuff but so far only by one writer alone.... Do you have any links to your Jack/10 slash that I could check out? *grin*
Oh I shamelessly read Jack/10 fics, I just find most romancy things hard 'cause I grew up watching Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker etc and they're my Doctor templates. Doctor/human just makes me shudder lol.
I has linkage :D The first one was a challenge and the second one was a sequel kinda.
1st one
2nd one
Okay I have opened the fics in a new tab and when I get through catching up with my flist I will read them! Thanks for that!
I'm not a fan of slash (personal preference not a vendetta or a political statement) so I don't read Jack/Jack although I will occasionally make forays into Jack/Ianto because it's canon.
I didn't mind the Clone10/Rose kiss all that much because he was half human and therefor NOT. MY. DOCTOR. It *did* make me flinch, though.
I'm a typical canon whore.
I can see them having feelings for each other, but it would be platonic.
For me with the Doctor the issue is that he's an alien, so for him it would be something like bestiality to have sex with humans *G* but it adds a kink level for me to write the Doctor sexual, at least with Jack.
Doctor human *shudder*
The Doctor in a pairing, still doesn't wash with me. Just cannot get on board with it at all!
Glad we basically agree.
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