Ok, so you know my Doctor is Asexual. Not that he cannot love anyone who isn't a Time Lord, just that that love would be platonic. This of course gets in the way of reading shipper fic with The Doctor. It is so for from my Doctor you wouldn't believe
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Seriously, though, I love Nine/Jack, but in more of a relationship way than sexual. I'm beginning more and more to feel and prefer a Ten/Jack that will forever be onesided. Any onscreen kiss with the Doctor has put me off, as well. Martha? Reinette? Oh my, Rose! Donna? I'll throw River Song in there just because. It just . . . bleh! I'd much prefer to play around with the Doctor's sexuality (or lack thereof) in fanfic than ever see anything on screen. Though, Doctor/Master writes itself. I prefer the Doctor when he's just out there looking for a mate. Which is why Donna was the perfect companion. They were mates. I highly doubt the Doctor went around thinking about shagging Rose. They loved her, yes. But it didn't . . . go there.
In response to Jack/Jack: It was one of my favorite episodes of Torchwood. It is, probably, if I think about it. Tragically romantic. Would I ever want Jack to live, and reunite with TW!Jack? Never. That would ruin the ep, in my opinion. Playing in fic-land is fine, I'll read it, but I love them for just that one small moment they had. I would think some action would've been taken off-screen, if he hadn't gone and died the next day. Then again, this is the wonderful world of television and a lot is sacrificed for a story. You can say that in any case, really.
I'm in a bit of a discussion mood myself, today, it seems.
The Doctor in a pairing, still doesn't wash with me. Just cannot get on board with it at all!
Glad we basically agree.
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