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Dec 09, 2007 02:47

Where are the AUs in which Gerard and the others are basically living a buddy cop movie?

Gerard is the weird guy that works in the Major Crime department and kind of freaks everyone else out, but he's got one of the best arrest records in the entire department even though no one knows how. He's really good at talking the crazies down - everyone whispers about it taking one to know one - and a lot of people end up turning themselves in or surrendering when Gerard's involved. There's been talk that he used to be a negotiator or something, but had a nervous breakdown when something bad happened. (No one knows for sure because there's no proof, and no one that was around when whatever it was happened is talking.)

Every time someone starts digging around they either run into a dead-end because all records from around then have been sealed, or they get caught in the act. (Someone wants to make sure that whatever happened doesn't get out.)

Gerard doesn't let the rumors get to him because he became a police officer to save lives, and that's why he keeps going in to work every day although most of his fellow police officers seem more interested in gossiping like old biddies.

Ray and Bob are pretty much the only ones he gets along with in his department, and he maybe talks to Wentz because Wentz is hard to ignore when he wants your attention, but he doesn't like him all that much. (Something about this one summer when Wentz started hanging around Mikey down in Computer Crimes for a case Pete was working on.) Wentz's partner, that Stump guy? He's pretty decent. (Pete transferred in from Homicide because it was starting to get to him, and even though Patrick's not always sure what to make of him they seem to work well together.)

And then Frank transfers in from another precinct. Rumors say he got into it with a superior - Frank doesn't say what it was about, but he gets this look on his face and people back off. Sometimes, though, when he's in a good mood he has this smug little smirk and tells people that it felt "Really damn good. The guy had it coming." He's a little reckless and is definitely a bit of a hothead in certain situations, but he's a good cop and most people respect that about him. He's a little wary of Gerard at first because everyone's heard about Detective Way, right?

But then he gets to know Gerard - who is every bit as wary of Frank as Frank is of him - he realizes that under the many, many, many layers of weird, Gerard's actually pretty cool. Actually, he's amazing. And Frank feels bad for laughing at Gerard a little at first because Gerard doesn't really like using his gun, even though he's got pretty good aim when he does use it.

He actually saves Frank's life once, and when Frank goes to thank him Gerard just looks him because he thinks having to use his gun should be a last resort, and he always, always, always hates having to shoot someone. He doesn't answer Frank when Frank asks if Gerard's ever had to kill someone, but the look on his face when Frank asks? It's more than enough to tell Frank that those rumors of something bad happening in Gerard's past? Might not be entirely wrong. Mikey comes to see Frank when Gerard's on leave while the shooting is being investigated to make sure it's a clean shoot, and explains a few things to Frank because Mikey knows Gerard won't.

Brian isn't sure he's making the smartest decision partnering Frank with Gerard, but he doesn't really have a choice. People keep asking to be reassigned after a few weeks of working with Gerard, and Brian? He knows Gerard's doing it on purpose, but nothing he says or does gets through to Gerard that hey, it would be nice if he could at least try to get along with his fellow police officers once in a while.

This, of course, is when Gerard points out that he has no problems dealing with Bob and Ray, or Matt Cortez who does a lot of undercover work, or Mikey. He even goes so far as to tolerate Wentz, although that's mostly for Patrick's sake...and maybe Mikey's too, since Mikey gets his bitchface on when Gerard starts to complain about Pete. And then Gerard sort of meanders, talking about how he likes Worm down in Vice, and that Trohman and Hurley in Narcotics (HAHAHA) are good guys too. Brian usually tunes him out right around then and reaches for the economy sized bottle of aspirin in his desk.

And. I don't know. Shenanigans? Possibly corrupt officials and a conspiracy of some type? Maybe one of them is framed for a murder they didn't commit! Maybe they're implicated in a scandal...they also didn't commit! Whatever it is, the only people Gerard and Frank can trust are their closest friends, and even then it's hard to tell who those people are!

*cue dramatic music*

There definitely needs to be at least one car chase, because really. It's a rule of buddy cop movies.
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