
Jan 12, 2012 23:27

Galadan, as it happens, is not much in the habit of staying in Milliways for long periods of time, particularly not in his human shape.

The situation being what it is, however, he has made very little protest about being escorted to one of said bar's rooms.

Give it a few days, mayhap.

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river_meimei January 14 2012, 05:30:58 UTC
The next morning, River gives it a few hours.

But eventually, around mid-morning, she slips back upstairs, and heads for Galadan's room instead of Duo's. She doesn't knock, let alone let herself in.

She just waits outside. Either Galadan's asleep, or he's not; if he's awake, the door is irrelevant, and if he's asleep she'll leave him to it.


wolflord_andain January 14 2012, 05:41:17 UTC
"Feel free to make yourself at home, if you will, River."

Galadan's voice is pitched just loud enough to make it through the door.

The chances that he does not feel up to moving much are quite, quite high.


river_meimei January 14 2012, 05:47:55 UTC
River kind of guessed that might be the case.

"Breakfast," she says to the wall, "is an optional side agenda."


wolflord_andain January 14 2012, 05:56:59 UTC
"And hardly an objectionable one."

There's a wry twist to his words, both in his mouth and in his mind.

There may also be a request for River to bring her own key when she returns -- provided she has enough hands, of course.

Perhaps tomorrow he will be more inclined to get breakfast under his own momentum.

An andain can hope.


river_meimei January 14 2012, 06:07:27 UTC
"Provisioning is healthsome," River agrees placidly, to all of that, and turns away from the door.

It's a few minutes before she returns. When she does, she has a key in one hand, and a bag in the other. (It's got plates, silverware, and sturdy flat-bottomed takeout containers. Bar knows River.)

Again, she doesn't bother to knock or speak up, but this time she lets herself in.


wolflord_andain January 14 2012, 06:16:46 UTC
She'll find Galadan seated in the room's single chair, with the lamp at its lowest illumination. (It makes his head ache less.) He gives the impression of someone who has not moved from that chair in quite some time.

This would not be an incorrect impression.

The fact that he licks his lips as she enters, gaze flicking to the bag in her hand, has nothing at all to do with a sudden, sharp pang of hunger.

It has still less to do with the empty water glass resting on the table next to the bed.

And there's this bridge . . .


river_meimei January 14 2012, 06:25:48 UTC
Right. Of course not!

And the fact that River passes him the larger container -- and its raw venison -- before she sets the rest of the bag down is also PURE COINCIDENCE.

The bag also has another glass in it, and she snags the other off the table as she goes. Water for all!


wolflord_andain January 14 2012, 06:32:12 UTC
A hand-towel may also be quite the thing.

It's not that Galadan lacks a knife -- nor even a fork, plastic though it may be. It is merely that raw meat is raw meat, and there will be some amount of blood.

Paper napkins will not cut it.



river_meimei January 14 2012, 06:47:42 UTC
Apparently, Galadan's goal of the week is to make the Loompas launder as many bloody Milliways towels as possible.

There are worse aims. (And River is fresh out of handkerchiefs.)

Having fetched everything -- in a couple of trips, because River has to take care when carrying things that aren't weaponry or very hard to damage -- she settles down crosslegged on the bed, tucking bare feet beneath her, and bends over to fetch her fruit salad.

mmmm, kiwi. Galadan can keep the bloody venison.


wolflord_andain January 17 2012, 03:25:21 UTC
Galadan is perfectly content with the division of foodstuffs as it now stands. River is welcome to all the fruit she likes.

As for the Wolflord, once he has made his way through most of the meat, he wipes off his fingertips, cleans off his knife, and pushes his plate away.

He'll wait for River to finish her own meal before speaking.

Out loud, at least.


river_meimei January 17 2012, 03:36:21 UTC
River's mostly done with hers; she's to the point of desultorily poking at the last few blueberries with her chopsticks.

They're apparently interesting. If you're River.


wolflord_andain January 17 2012, 03:40:29 UTC
"You are well, I hope?"

His brows are lifted in an expression of polite interest.

Just in case anyone should be observing.

"And Mary, too, of course."


river_meimei January 17 2012, 03:47:44 UTC
River directs a look of affectionate tolerance at the last slice of kiwi in her takeout container.

"Everybody's shiny."

"She had soup. It's a precursor to sleep."

And now that it's morning, Mary has a bar full of opportunities to acquire food, hang out with friends, and ignore human beings in favor of her greenhouse.


wolflord_andain January 17 2012, 03:49:05 UTC

And if one corner of his mouth should tilt ever-so-faintly upward --

What of it?


river_meimei January 17 2012, 03:55:09 UTC
River is surely entirely oblivious.



That's why she looks satisfied, no doubt.


wolflord_andain January 17 2012, 03:56:07 UTC
Galadan just barely stifles a laugh.

There is not much point in it, really.

It's not like River doesn't already know.


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