
Jan 12, 2012 23:27

Galadan, as it happens, is not much in the habit of staying in Milliways for long periods of time, particularly not in his human shape.

The situation being what it is, however, he has made very little protest about being escorted to one of said bar's rooms.

Give it a few days, mayhap.

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river_meimei January 14 2012, 05:30:58 UTC
The next morning, River gives it a few hours.

But eventually, around mid-morning, she slips back upstairs, and heads for Galadan's room instead of Duo's. She doesn't knock, let alone let herself in.

She just waits outside. Either Galadan's asleep, or he's not; if he's awake, the door is irrelevant, and if he's asleep she'll leave him to it.


river_meimei January 17 2012, 04:03:11 UTC
"Gonna fuss," River warns him, amiably.

About Mary.

('Fuss' may have a few definitions here, but Galadan doesn't actually need this warning. All it takes is knowing Mary Lennox.)


wolflord_andain January 17 2012, 04:07:13 UTC
"Yes, well."

One eyebrow remains arched.

"Provided we lack an audience, I suppose I shall cope."


river_meimei January 17 2012, 04:19:25 UTC
River rolls her eyes. Affectionately!

Galadan may feel free to choose who the intended target is.

She eats a blueberry, idly. (Mm, blueberry.) "You're very brave," she agrees.


wolflord_andain January 17 2012, 04:23:54 UTC
"I might have thought that went without saying."

As if to prove his point, he steals one of her blueberries.

Carefully. Almost as if moving too fast will set his head to throbbing again.


river_meimei January 17 2012, 04:42:19 UTC
It's certainly coincidence if River happens to nudge the container closer to him, too.

"We'll call it redundancy."


wolflord_andain January 17 2012, 04:46:12 UTC
"How very generous."

And speaking of generous --

He'll take another blueberry, thank you very much.


river_meimei January 17 2012, 05:53:45 UTC
River, of course, beams.

She is the soul of generosity! How kind of Galadan to notice.


wolflord_andain January 24 2012, 04:28:03 UTC
Some things Galadan is not at all inclined to miss.

Very few of those have anything to do with blueberries, strangely enough.


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