Chicago Con -- Jared Private Q and A

Oct 12, 2010 21:56

So this past weekend I was at the Supernatural Creation Con in Chicago. First things first, this serious was the Best. Con. Ever. I cannot stop squeeing about what an amazing time I had. If it's not the best weekend I've ever had, it's definitely close ( Read more... )

chicago con, spn, squee

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Comments 28

anonymous October 13 2010, 14:55:08 UTC
Thanks for sharing- due to family commitments I will probably never get to do a con, but it is nice getting to 'live it' through others. :)


wolfling October 15 2010, 03:17:32 UTC
You're welcome. I want to try and share what I was lucky enough to experience because it was because of others doing so that made me want to go to a con in the first place.

The boys are all just awesome and that needs to be shared. :)


cassopeia October 13 2010, 20:40:31 UTC
Great report, thank you so much for sharing!


wolfling October 15 2010, 03:18:23 UTC
You're welcome :D


iwantboromir October 13 2010, 23:19:59 UTC
Thanks for sharing!


wolfling October 15 2010, 03:12:15 UTC
You're welcome :)


romancito October 14 2010, 00:31:30 UTC
thanks for sharing your jared private q and a! =)
i enjoyed reading this! =)


wolfling October 15 2010, 03:29:32 UTC
You're welcome. :)

Going to it was a blast. :)


suze2000 October 14 2010, 11:50:26 UTC
Thanks for that, I love con reports and I'm not part of any SPN fandom so I never see any, despite being a SPN fan. If only I had more time... *sigh*


wolfling October 15 2010, 03:52:52 UTC
If you want to find reports (and video even) you can check out the Superwiki con page. I haunt the con pages when there's a con happening that I'm not attending.


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