Chicago Con -- Jared Private Q and A

Oct 12, 2010 21:56

So this past weekend I was at the Supernatural Creation Con in Chicago. First things first, this serious was the Best. Con. Ever. I cannot stop squeeing about what an amazing time I had. If it's not the best weekend I've ever had, it's definitely close.

I want to write out a complete con report but considering I'm still only halfway through my Vancon 2009 report, I figured I'd write up Chicago con a bit differently and try to write about the stuff that is only committed to memory first, then go and write up the stuff I have recordings of to refresh my memory.

I was VIP so I had backstage time with the guests, and I did the Richard and Matt, and the Aldis and Mark S meet and greets, as well as both Jared and Jensen private Q and A's. Yes, I will be paying this con off till next year. But OMG it was SO worth it.

Since I've seen a couple of Jensen Q and A reports out there, but nothing for Jared's yet, I figured I'd start with Jared's Q and A.

Now this is entirely from memory, so I'm sure I'm forgetting things and I may have got some things mixed up, but this is what was talked about to my best recollection.

We all get let in and have our ids checked and get seated, then they bring Jared in. He immediately turns the chair they'd left for him around to sit on it, saying, "this way is cooler." It was one of those taller bar chairs, the kind normal people need to rest their feet on the bottom foot rest because they're that high up and someone laughed and pointed out that Jared's feet actually touched the floor.

This led to Jared talking about flying (with a digression into how because of torrential downpours there was a 3 hour delay in filming Friday night so he was more than a little sleep deprived when he flew in on Saturday) and how it's really cool when people, stewardesses, recognize him and are nice to him, and pay extra attention to him -- until he falls asleep on the plane. Because he doesn't like waking up to everyone looking at him. Especially if he was drooling or something. Or if his mouth is particularly dry because he knows that means he's been sleepinng with his mouth open (and he demonstrated his usual plane sleeping position.) He said he has a long torso (Jared, honey, you have a long everything) so while most people when they sleep on the plane, they just lean against the back of the seat, his head is far enough above that he ends up with his head tilted back over the top of the chair. (He demonstrated the position with his mouth open.) "I look like a baby bird waiting to be fed," was the way he described it.

Also there were a couple of Aussies (waves hi at Belinda and Wilma) who had brought a couple of bags of fantales and had left some on Jared's chair for him. He remembered them from when the Australian con he'd been at, although apparently not how hard it is to talk when chewing them because he rather gleefully immediately shoved one in his mouth. They have trivia written on the wrappers and so he read the question to us (around a mouthful of fantale).

Someone asked about Harley and Sadie and how they were. Jared's reply was "Wet." (due to the torrential rains he had mentioned earlier) He went on to say they were both good, and then related a story about Sadie with a caveat of "this is kind of disgusting so you might not want to listen."

Sadie sleeps in his bedroom but has her own doggie bed. And one night she woke him up middle of the night. Jared pets her and tells her to go back to bed. She does, but wakes him up again by licking his feet. He has to get up early for work so he sends her back to bed again. She wakes him up for a third time sometime around 4 am and she's panting, which Jared said means she needs to go out. So Jared's feeling guilty now that he kept telling her to go back to sleep, and quickly and groggily gets up and puts on some clothes. Sadie booked for the door as soon as she saw he was up and then when he opened the door, she booked it for the elevator (he's currently living in a condo) which made Jared feel even more guilty because she really needed to go. So much so that the elevator didn't get there in time.

Because he was the only one on that floor with dogs, Jared said everyone would know it was his dogs that had left the present so he had to try and clean it up. But being "a guy" he didn't know the best way to do that so he went into his cupboards and brought out everything to try on it, bleach, fabreeze, etc. And he's out there in the hallway two hours before he has to get up for an early set call committing chemical warfare on dog poop. But all he did was cover up the smell, so instead of the hallway just smelling like dog poop, there was this whole chemical haze of cleaner and fabreeze... and dog poop.

This segued into him talking about how he smells bad sometimes and will put on cologne to cover it up and how his wife has told him not to do that. That it doesn't really help, it just lures people in until the bad smell hits them up close. "At least if you don't put anything on, the bad smell warns people to stay far away."

One of the Aussie fans told Jared they missed him at the Australian con last year, and after asking the date, he said he was on his honeymoon at the time. To Monchu Pichu? I'm sure I'm mangling the spelling there horribly. It's somewhere that's at a high altitude however because Jared said it wasn't the best location for a romantic honeymoon because they were hot and sweaty and tired from the hiking they'd been doing and the high altitude made him constipated. Guess it's like travelling by angel that way. He then shook his head, laughed and asked, "Why do I keep talking about poop?"

Someone asked him about if he knows/will we find out how he got out of hell -- and he said that really hadn't come up in what they were filming so far, though there is an ep coming up (he's seen the script) number 12, if I'm remembering correctly, that's going to go back in time (whether literally or just via flashbacks he didn't specify) and show Sam and Dean during the year between end of Swan Song and s6 -- and showing Sam watching but deliberately avoiding Dean. He sounded really enthusiastic about this ep so it sounds like it should be one with some answers in it. Someone asked about if we'll find out how he hooked up with the Campbells and he said yes, but that it was more about avoiding Dean than hooking up with them.

Some things are starting to run together in my memory a little now, but I think this happened in Jared's q and a (versus Jensen's or somewhere else). I know Jared was talking about Sera takig over and Kripke stepping back and I'm pretty sure it was him that said that Kripke's taken a really big step back. That they have been used to calling Eric if they have any questions on the set and so Jared called him about something and Eric answered and told him that he'd be better off calling Sera and that he(Eric) was actually in line at Disneyland at the time.

He went on to say that Sera is great and that she's always written great stuff in her eps. I actually spoke up at this point to agree, saying me and my friends always know it's going to be a good ep when we see Sera's written it, and it would have great Sam stuff -- and usually Sam will be either naked, crying or both. Jared totally cracked up at that. Head thrown back, booming laugh, the works.

Mention of naked Sam of course led to talk of ep 6.03 and the fan service Sam workout scene. He repeated what he'd said in the breakfast about the script having Sam doing rapid fire pushups, etc. and how he might've been able to do that a few years ago but not so much now. "I'm not as young as I used to be!" Yeah, Jared, you've totally let yourself go. He told Sera he wanted a little more warning next time for shirtlessness so he can work out more before he has to film it.

Someone asked, "Does that mean we're going to see shirtless Sam again?" Jared confirmed that yes we will, and before Christmas. He went on to talk about how awkward it can be -- you get to work and go into makeup and meet an actress, and then later you're on set in bed mostly naked. They let you have robes and stuff until you start filming, and it's network tv so there's blankets and you both have pants on, but still... awkward. He also was trying to explain about what actresses wear during these kind of scenes, gesturing at his chest and grasping for the right term. "Y'know, nipple coverings, what are they called?" A couple of people shouted out, "Pasties!" and he said, "Pasties! Right." Then laughed and said, "New and patented Jared Padalecki nipple coverings."

Him talking about filming a sex scene made us ask if that means Sam's going to get some more sex (that we get to see!) and Jared confirmed it. We asked if Sam was paying for it this time and Jared thought about it for a moment and then said, no he wasn't.

There might have been a little more stuff than that, but that's really all I can remember. The half houor just flew by and Jared was funny, charming, hyper (when they came to tell him his time was up, he literally bounced in his seat in mock anger that he had to go) and just all around lovely to spend time with. He has a great smile, a better laugh and the energy of your average ten year old boy crossed with a puppy. He's competely warm and genuine and all around awesome.

chicago con, spn, squee

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