SPN 6.01 reactions

Sep 24, 2010 23:48

I was kinda off balance after my first watch through, though I did like it. After rewatching it just now, I like it even more.

It's a different kind of opener than the kind Kripke did, and really thinking about it, much more in keeping with Sera's story telling style from her eps. It was more about set up and character stuff than gory killing monsters and epic intros and events like past premieres have been.

There's a lot of subtle (or it feels that way to me) character stuff and groundwork being laid here, moreso with Sam than with Dean. I think the whole seemingly unfeeling and emotionally blank thing that he was doing was deliberate choice on Jared's part (and possibly directed to by the script) and that Sam is aware he isn't connecting with his emotions and life like he used to before hell and Lucifer, and he's not sure how to get it back. Except through Dean. Because Dean has the biggest heart he knows and also big brother always comes through for him.

Also, Samuel and the Campbell cousins are so up to something. I don't know if it's going to turn out they're evil and into whatever is happening up to their necks or just amoral and doing stuff the Winchesters would never condone, but something is up there.

I'm one of what seems like the few people who liked Lisa all along and didn't actually have a problem with her being Dean's dream girl (more because of the whole mother thing), but I really liked what we saw of her in this. She didn't let Dean bs her or himself and the way they were just interacting... I liked it. And I like them together. I really hope that they let Dean keep her and Ben as a home base even when he gets back into hunting. And that they don't kill her or Ben.

As for old Yellow Eyes, well no one plays Azazel like Fred does and it was so good to see him back chewing the scenery in gleeful evil abandon. :)

Also, I so called it was a Djinn from about the time Dean started following claw marks in people's laundry.

Other random things re the ep: I LOVE the new title credits. Totally made of awesome. :D

Dean playing golf has to be a sly shout out to the fact that Jensen is rather a golf fanatic. And apparently a pretty good one at that. Made me snicker anyway.

Did anyone else notice the poster on the door of the construction site Dean goes into when he hears the scream? It was advertising DJ SAM. I giggled and thought "foreshadowing!"

Dean needs to stay away from yorkies when he's hallucinating. He always ends up embarrassing himself. First Yellow Fever, now this.

Also, domestic!Dean can hang around a little longer if it means we get more glimpses of skin like in this -- lots of Dean in short sleeves (ARMS!) and we even got to see him barefoot when he was checking the devil's trap at the door. I highly approve. I highly approve of how both boys look and would probably watch them just stand around being pretty for an hour. I can be shallow sometimes.

spn, squee

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