Random s5 SPN observations

Sep 19, 2010 10:47

So I have decided to try and rewatch all of s5 of SPN before the s6 premiere this Friday.

Watched the first four eps before bed last night.

-- Sam's widdle face in the premiere when demon!Bobby told him to lose his number, awwwwww. No one that big should be able to look that pitifully adorable.

-- Cas is a BAMF after he's been dead and come back -- apparently God gave him the ability to fight in Jimmy's form that he had been lacking in s4 ;).

-- I can't watch the scene with Dean, Sam and Cas in the hallway of the hospital now without somewhere in my head giggling over the hard time the J's gave Misha during filming it

-- I love Ellen and Jo and miss them. A lot.

-- Dean offering to let Sam take the impala when they break up still makes me tear up.

-- There needs to be a helluva lot more shirtless Sam next season. Possibly some in every ep. Get on that, will you Sera?

-- The Dean and Cas show is very giggle inducing and I'd happily watch more of that any time.

-- .... if walking through a circle made of holy oil will kill an angel, shouldn't a malakov cocktail of holy oil do the same? *files that under the same logic gap as "but the amulet never burned hot in Chuck's presence!"*

-- Jensen totally and completely rocked in The End and probably would've won an emmy if they weren't a genre show and on a bigger network.

-- Future Cas is entertaining and heartbreaking at the same time.

-- I love that Dean and Sam meet at what is visibly the same place as they left their father in season one -- there's something poetic about "I'll meet you at Salvation". (which I'm totally pretending got said during Dean's call to Sam telling him he wanted to meet up.)

-- Also what Dean said, that they keep each other human? Demonstrably true as the season goes on.

spn, squee

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