Random and various thoughts and musings

Sep 23, 2009 02:57

*eyes LJ which randomly made a private post-in-progress public and then added a lot of weird code to the end of it* WTF, LJ, WTF ( Read more... )

this is a no bashing characters zone, birthday, spn, squee

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Comments 27

neon_footprint September 23 2009, 07:36:59 UTC
I'm spoiler avoiding like woah, so ixnay on the 5.04 talk (though I really badly want to know!)

That said, chuck me some prompts and I'll pootle around and see what I can come up with. I'm spending today with a 4 month old, I don't think she'll notice :)


wolfling September 23 2009, 07:49:01 UTC
Hm. Dean/Cas, Dean-Sam (or Dean/Sam or Cas/Dean/Sam for that matter) new beginnings, one year after they've stopped the apocalypse.


neon_footprint September 23 2009, 08:45:12 UTC
You accept Dean/Cas/Sam? *rubs hands with glee* I have a not terribly secret kink in that direction. One future fic, coming up :)


miniera September 23 2009, 07:49:30 UTC
Since it's official tomorrow now - Happy Birthday!!!! May you have a wonderful day.


wolfling September 23 2009, 13:30:48 UTC
Thanks. :)

My birthday is actually the 24th -- I knew it was after midnight when I posted so I was using the 23rd as the day I was referencing. (Which means I get new SPN for my birthday, thank you Kripke and co!)

But I take early birthday wishes too. :D


miniera September 24 2009, 02:41:29 UTC
Ooops! Well consider those early birthday wishes!!! Guess that means you needed to start celebrating today and continue through the weekend!


ibroketuesday September 23 2009, 08:07:08 UTC
That disclaimer pisses me off every time I see it. Dislike Sam? Fine. Bash him in your header? That's just tacky, and I won't read your fucking fic. She gives our side of the fandom a bad name.

Happy birthday. <3 It was lovely meeting you at Vancon!


wolfling September 23 2009, 13:45:12 UTC
The potential for Sam bashing was one thing that kept me from venturing into the Dean/Cas side of the fandom for a very long time. (Even though *hands* eye fucking. I'm not blind. And have finely attuned slash goggles.)

I just... My last big fandom of participation was Buffy-Angel fandom where character bashing was practically a competitive sport. The most frustrating thing was coming across a story and writer that had the potential to be really good if it wasn't for the ooc character bashing. It makes me tired. I've since developed a no tolerance policy for it; if I read anything ficwise that has blatant character bashing in it, I pretty much swear off that writer for life.

Once omphalos pulled me into the Dean/Cas side by getting me to cowrite what became Absolution with her, and I started tentatively reading some of the D/C fic out there, I've been pleasantly surprised how many of the fics respect Sam and what he means to Dean. So it makes me doubly annoyed when I come across the Sam bashers.


ibroketuesday September 23 2009, 21:21:50 UTC
I've since developed a no tolerance policy for it; if I read anything ficwise that has blatant character bashing in it, I pretty much swear off that writer for life.

I do the same. People are allowed to feel however they feel about a character, but if they confuse that with how other characters canonically feel about that person, it automatically makes for badfic. Like, plenty of people in the fandom hate Castiel, but when I see them have Dean and Sam also hate and insult Castiel in fic, it's an automatic fail. No, they're not BFF, but they don't hate the guy. And there's so much Ruby and Anna bashing. :(

I've been pleasantly surprised how many of the fics respect Sam and what he means to Dean.

Well, to write Sam as unimportant to Dean is to completely misunderstand Dean's character. You have to take the brothers as a packaged whole and I think most D/C writers know this.


ephemera September 23 2009, 09:48:53 UTC
wolfling September 23 2009, 13:47:59 UTC
*reads* Eeeek! *goes and expires session and relogs in, had already reprivatized and got rid of the weird code*

Thankfully the post in question on my lj was several days old and had an lj cut that the malicious script ended up behind so I probably didn't pass on the infection to anyone else. But wow, scary.


gillianinoz September 24 2009, 09:40:03 UTC
I know - I freaked out when it happened to me and deleted my last half a dozen posts.



morganoconner September 23 2009, 15:05:49 UTC
First off - HAPPY (early) BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! And how cool that you get new Supernatural as your b-day gift? :) Still...Vancon was probably the best present you could have gotten lol.

I agree with you 100% on the character bashing. I'm not a huge fan of Sam myself all the time, but c'mon. "Dean" as we know and love him *would not be* without Sam and everything they mean to each other. It really bugs me when I see that header. *sigh* But some people will never learn, and they will continue to try and ruin our fandom in whatever way possible.

Anyway, I hope your birthday is awesome, and that all things bright and happy (and chock-full of Supernatural goodness) come your way. Feel free to throw a fic prompt my way, as I have some free time the next couple of days and wouldn't mind stretching my writing muscles a bit. :)


wolfling September 23 2009, 16:28:33 UTC
Vancon was indeed an awesome way of marking my 40th birthday. :D

I genuinely love both brothers equally (and have great affection for most of the supporting characters, Castiel chief among them) and I really can't see how you can watch the show and hate either Sam or Dean. They're just so obviously a package deal, and one without the other just doesn't feel or read right to me.

As for a prompt... hmm.... Dean and Sam help Castiel celebrate his first birthday (whether that's as a human or an earthbound angel, or something else I leave up to you. As I do whether gen or slash)


morganoconner September 28 2009, 04:02:59 UTC
Hmm, so...I clearly fail at life. I did start a fic for you...and it's more than halfway done...and then real life kicked in so it's still not completed. *facepalm* Also? It's not even remotely based on the prompt you gave me. *double facepalm* Actually, it's a Sam fic that I really have no idea where it came from, other than talking about all the Sam-hate out there and that making me sad. But I'll link it to you when it's posted, which shouldn't be more than a couple more days. Sorry I wasn't able to have it done for your birthday! And I hope your birthday was awesome. :)

(And? Over the weekend, my boyfriend bought me a preferred weekend package ticket to VanCon 2010. Aaaahhh! I'm nervous...I'm traveling outside of the country, by myself, for the first time...umm...ever. Eeeeeeek!)


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