Random and various thoughts and musings

Sep 23, 2009 02:57

*eyes LJ which randomly made a private post-in-progress public and then added a lot of weird code to the end of it* WTF, LJ, WTF?

So the chick who has been posting Dean/Cas fics with the disclaimer basically wishing that Sam had stayed dead posted a comment on one of her fic postings saying that the disclaimer and Sam bashing was "obviously" a joke and people who didn't think it was funny didn't have a sense of humour. And after years of having to wade through character bashings to find the good fic, that comment made me snap and I left a pointed, possibly snarky comment in reply.

I just... *sigh* I don't get how people can love a character and then bash another character that is an integral part of their loved character's identity. I didn't understand it when it was usually just friends being bashed in Buffy and I really don't understand it when it's Sam (or Dean) on SPN where the core of the show is how they feel about each other. I don't particularly like Castiel bashing either (or Ruby or Bela or the other Ruby or Jo or John or... yeah.) Just say no to bashing. And bashers.

On to cheerier subjects; I trust everyone who is not avoiding SPN spoilers has seen the pics from ep 5.04? My non-spoilery reaction? OMG SQUEE! I was already looking forward to this ep just from what I heard at the con and have read about it but this just makes me want to see it all the more.

Today is my last day as a thirty-something; tomorrow is my fortieth birthday. I took tomorrow off work and will probably go out to dinner, but my real birthday celebration was last month and going to Vancon. (of which report I am still working on -- I so totally suck at promptness but hopefully will make up for that in thoroughness.) And as a way to mark an important birthday, gotta say that totally rocked.

I went and got my birthday present from my parents on Sunday (they know nothing about techie stuff so generally they tell me to go pick something I want out and they'll give me the money) -- a 1TB external HD that hooks up via ethernet to my router and so I can access it wirelessly from my laptop anywhere in the house. Which is shiny and awesome and I have spent much of the intervening free time I've had transferring files over to the new HD -- so far that's been about 40 gigs worth give or take, which gives me much more stretching room on the laptop's drive as well. This is totally making me happy. :D

But because it's my 40th birthday tomorrow, and I don't have a lot planned to mark the actual day, I'm going to put politeness aside and beg for fannish gifts (fic, vids, icons, that sorta thing.) Just so there's something more for the day of than just time off work. Though, okay, also new SPN which I will get to watch live for a change so there's that as well. It feels kinda gauche to actually ask for that sort of thing, but nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say. I figure if you're reading this, you probably have some idea what my likes are though if anyone wants me to throw out some prompts or something...

this is a no bashing characters zone, birthday, spn, squee

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