Title: Adventures with Palmwine-san
Rating: T for Boozing
Characters: Sakura
Summary: Sakura arrives in Suna after a particularly straining series of events, and unwinds in a local bar.
Notes: ReBirth-verse
Or: Why Sakura is never allowed to go drinking unsupervised. )
Comments 4
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Sakura would declare undying love for almost anyone while drunk. (she'd also probably try to get drunken makeouts, but often gets restrained before she gets herself in trouble) XD
Personally, I'm all for Kankurou and Sakura being drunk in the same room together. But I think that might be psychologically damaging. XD
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GaaSak...I'm up for it...Sakura just has to get over those Sasuke/Neji/pretty boy issues XD
Technically Gaara falls into that category, but I know what you mean. X3
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