I am counting down the days until spring break…Today, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and I am done! I need the time off. I need the sleep and the rest and since it is my B-day I need the play time. So what do I have planned for my fun Break?
Friday 3/20:
dr_bathybius and I are going out to dinner. Not 100% sure on time but I know that is going on,
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Comments 8
Given the number of times the photos I've taken of people have ended up as their profile picture on Facebook, I'm willing to claim I'm at least a half-way decent photographer. :-)
Friday 3/27: Come to Friday Night Blues.
It had literally never occurred to me that you would.
I'm coming to the last Rocky at the Parkway, and bringing a friend. So we can talk details then.
Any chance you can save us a couch?
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