Schedual, life, and vacation

Mar 16, 2009 18:40

I am counting down the days until spring break…Today, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and I am done!  I need the time off.  I need the sleep and the rest and since it is my B-day I need the play time.  So what do I have planned for my fun Break?


Friday 3/20: dr_bathybius  and I are going out to dinner.  Not 100% sure on time but I know that is going on, WOOT KABABS!

Saturday 3/21: I THINK blackrose900  is coming over to help me clean my closet and get some stuff organized…we still on for that?  Anyone want to come?  First dibs on stuff I don’t want!  If that is not happening I either have a photo-shoot with dr_bathybius  or I am free.  And Rocky…always Rocky

Sunday 3/22: I am with doing a photo shoot in the AM with dr_bathybius  or sitting on my butt and then that evening Mom and Dad and Jason will be taking me for a B-day dinner

Monday 3/23: Free and I guess I have work at SOME point that day… I am think that might be the perfect time to check out Hubba Hubba Review…anyone want to take me and / or go with me?

Tuesday 3/24: MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I am taking a cooking class that eve and then I am going to try hitting Swing Goth for the first time.  Also my sister shows up with my nephew so I will be buying more earplugs to drown out his noise

Wednesday 3/25: Work, Maybe BaGG?  Anyone want to go?  I know I have Therapy that day for an hour so maybe dinner?

Thursday 3/26: Dentist at 10 AM… Since Toby (my nephew) is in town I might be going with him and my dad to the Zoo or something

Friday 3/27: Nothing on the books…same as the day before

Saturday 3/28: Rocky

Sunday 2/29: Shannon and Toby Leave

All the while I will be TRYING to catch up on all the homework I am behind on in History class and all those things.  I will also be pampering myself and watching some movies, CLEANING and REORGANIZING MY ROOM!!!  And a some point in the near future pants_u_mann said she would give me a hair cut which kicks ass.

Other then that I am just trying to get through the week with out getting too stressed out and finding time for myself.

Rocky this weekend went super well, I wish I had brought my camera so that I could have some picture of my super cite costume.  I thought our camera guy was going to be there but I guess I was wrong…Sad because like I said I looked super duper adorable…just ask Joel or Patrick or Mackenzie or William or…Oh I am not allowed to tell the names of my secret guest but I think it they enjoyed it.  There was a silly period where I look like an Anime Character because of all the green and stripes I was wearing, all I know is, I fulfilled someone’s anime flavored fantasy.  I had missed it after a while and was glad I had fun.

school, rocky, my nephew, my sister, schedual

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