To Many 8 Mighty River Flows

Aug 02, 2010 23:10

To Many: 8: Mighty River Flows

By Wolfa Moon

DIS: Love this story. Love thee Bones. Love Thee Kirk. All in fun.

SUM: Empathic! McCoy

SONG: Mighty River Runs: Globus

Part 1: Link
Part 2:  Discovery

Part 3: Go For a walk

Part 4: Sims Happen
Part 5: The Old Ways

Part 6: Feeling of Home

Part 7: Counting Waves

Looking up at the storm above me. I focus on them. Anything to get me from focusing on what is really going on around me.


I watched the waves hit the beach and over my feet. Georgia had beaches. But my home was surrounded by earth. Terra firma. Why do we have to go up? Running away from it wouldn’t help. Also my emotions making everyone around to act like I felt. Anxiety, fear, on last nerve. Not a good vibe to present to others. Damn flight thing.

Fight or flight. I was fighting. No way in hell was I flying. This fear enveloped me. Guess it had to deal with all the crash victims I had under my hands. They prescribed therapy. I went, talked. Wipee. Then I had to go to training. Which was ridiculous.  They had me try and learn their ridiculous methods.  Focusing on a sphere and tones. None of it worked. The emotions still crashed over me. Still unused to so many people around me. I taught myself how to deal with trauma and harsh emotions through my years at the hospital. Some of the love and happiness of family and marriage. Wait, Marriage had both in my case. But the other ones don’t really categorize. But are always there. Scheduled under something else.

Secluding myself to the beach seemed like a good idea at the time. But the clouds overhead gave way to storms on the horizon. Smiling I realize that is how the emotions are around me. Everyone a storm or rainbow. Closing my eyes I watch the shores. Safe on my beach. The waves lap at my feet. This is nice. Looking up and down the beach. All by myself. Few pieces of wood here and there. Remaining emotions I gathered. Feeling others that have remained. Turning my head I spy trees. Trees of my own making. Emotions I wish to savor and keep safe. Spying one I let that one sway in the singled out breeze. The wind swaying the beautiful oak. I feel my father so proud of his doctor son. The love we had for each other. I watch mesmerized as the tree sways. Smiling. Haven’t felt this good in a long time. Then there are drops on my face. Damn storms. I try and focus back on my father but the rain is persistent.

Damn. Closing my eyes I push my father away for another day. Turning back I look up into the rain. Letting it soak in. it get’s colder and begins to get more forceful.

Fine! I leave my beach.

Then I am here on the beach in San Francisco. The day had turned into a cold night. And there in front of me was my downpour. Screaming and shaking me. Blinking back into reality I focus on him.

“Jim,” I shiver. When did it get so damn cold? He smiles.

“Thank god.” He looks up. “Come on. You’re freezing.” Getting up slowly I feel the coldness. It had rained since I came here. Jim grabs me and we make our way back to our room.


Back in the room I am stripped of my clothing and reprimanded. Him ranting the whole time wondering what the hell I was doing. He pushes me into the shower and I shake. Damn I must of hit a stage of hyperthermia.

“Trying to get yourself sick to get out of flight case is really not gonna fly.” Shivering the warmth slowly returned. But I didn’t have enough time to in the shower, as I am quickly pulled out. Guess so I didn’t use all my water ration in one go. Need it for tomorrow after the flight. Then into the bedroom. He wraps me in a towel and dries me off. I still felt the chill. Not the chill of other emotions for once. But physical chill.

“Damn I’m cold.”

“Yea think. You only been sitting through a thunderstorm.” I shivered. Letting him rant. For once not me the one to. Not realizing how long I had been zoned out today.

“How did you find me?”

“I used that weird connection thing we had.” My eyes meet his. Asking seriously. It was too much effort to speak. My teeth chattering are the only noise coming from my mouth. He smirks. Then shrugs. “I followed my gut… Mostly.” He rubs the towel viciously over my hair. Knowing it is sticking in every scarecrow given direction. The way he moves I know he was worried. Still is. “What were you thinking?” Sighing. Breathing in the warm air to stop them from chattering.

“I got fed up with all that betazoid crap. Follow the sphere. Relax with the light. Listen to the signals. Focus on the lines. It wasn’t working for me. So I just…BBrrrr.” Shivering is a good sign. Not to far into the cold depth. But damn. Need to tell him or he will never let me sleep this off.  Looking up at him I try and plead.

“Went on your own to figure it out. I told you I would be by you in this.” I snort. It is a two way street. Thing is he only sees one way. Shacking my head I let myself tilt. If this is his one way street. I’m just gonna lay in the middle. Let whatever crafts come and plow me down. It’s Jim’s road and I’m safe there.

Going down I feel him grab me.

“Get up.” I’m so tired now. He gives me one last good pat down. Then tucks me under the covers. Feeling his worry radiate. I don’t really want to feel. Feeling the satisfaction of finding me. Squeezing my eyes shut to block out the world. Admiration. Admiration? Smiling I sink into being admired. Haven’t felt that in a while. Yeah on occasion I have had some eyes on me. But this is Jim. One who is a half of me that we can do anything together. Survive anything. At least I know that I will never be abandoned. And him too. The love. Seeing my beach. My way of dealing with my talent. The skies are clear now. Beautiful hews. And there is the rain storm. Not far off my shoreline. But there. Blocking any storm from coming close. Keeping the waves mellow.

Jolted from my beach when a warm naked body joins me in bed.

“Dammit, Bones, you are ice.” He shivers at the contact. I shiver at his contact. Still wraps himself around me. Nuzzling into my neck. “Don’t you ever do that to me ever again.” I turn to look at him. “You had me frantic. I thought..” you lost me.

“Never Jim.” I snuggle back into the warmth. Needing to keep him at ease. “I can’t stand people trying to fix me when I can do it on my own. And I did.” I wait for a reply but get none. So I forge on. “Much better than anything they taught me.” I sigh. “Sure there are flaws. But I’m only human. Not betazoid. Which they can’t seem to get their heads wrapped around.” Jim nodded. It was true. On more than one occasion Jim and myself had to correct everyone on their speculation of my abilities. Saying sorry. Earthman through and through. Shivering hopefully for the final time I begin to bury my head into the pillow. Relishing the body behind me. The warmth. Can feel him rub his hands along my chilled skin. Getting my circulation moving.

“Jim?” I am really tired.

“Yeah,” he moans.

“I’m tired.”

“I know.” He still continues. “Just relaxing you. So we can get on that flight tomorrow.” Shivering at the reminder. His hands don’t stop. They feel everywhere. Making me feel. Relaxing I can feel his emotions. His lust. Damn kid, I want to sleep. If I am going to be sick tomorrow on the shuttle. I want sleep.

“Jim, I’m scared.” His hands stop moving resting on my chest.

“Why?” Cause if I fail this I fail you and can’t join you on this undiscovered country.

“I don’t like flying.” Nice cover.

“I know.” He scouts back away. He probably is lying on his back. I don’t want to face him. Coward, I am. “Bones?” I don’t move. He does though. Wraps his arms around me again. “Can you focus on one person yet? Zone out enough to get by?”

“I take injections for that. And I can kinda. Still learning. You’re easy.” Old dog, new tricks.

“Yeah, so focus on me.” He squeezed. “I’ll be right beside you.”

“Promise?” I ask quickly.

“Do you even have to ask.” I shack my head. He buries his warm body behind me. Kissing the back of my neck. Yeah he will keep his promise. And so will I. never leaving. Never fading. Always by your side. “Go to sleep Bones. I’m here.” Yeah you are. Relaxing more into water.

“Good night Jim.”


The next morning I look at the shuttle. He claps me on the back. I focus on him. The line of rain just off my beach. No he is more beautiful than rain. Turning him into a beautiful coral reef.  A slight barrier from the waves. I can do this. Focus on the different shapes of coral. The buzzing energy that lives there. Nothing going to stop it from growing. Not if I can help it.

Stepping into the craft I freeze. Then the wind blows along my beach. My father tree swaying. Assuring me I’ll be safe. Looking to Jim. With him I’ll always be safe. I can do this.

And I did.

Part 9:
Fall In The Light

star trek 2009, empath!mccoy, st:to many, kirk/mccoy, spock

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