To Many: 6: Feeling of Home

Jul 28, 2010 20:44

Part 1: Link
Part 2:  Discovery

Part 3:   Go For a walk

Part 4: Sims Happen
Part 5:

| The Old Ways


The day had been long. And it was getting even longer. An accident keeping him beyond his hours at his work. Fighting for life. Turmoil all around him. The suppressants wearing off. Yet still forging on. Needing to. Save the life. Especially the small body before him. So torn inside and out. Lost her mother in the room next to him. Felt the death breeze by him. Had to let it go. Let them all pass. But this one. He needed to save. For do what you would want done for you. Especially in the regards of a small child. The hours catching up. Needing to survive. Fight through the storms and focus through the rain. A nurse blotting some of the rain from his vision. But her heart feeling for the patient on the table. So small, so tiny. A small little water spout on the edge of his horizon. Trying to reach her. Through all the storms he tries to focus on her. Get her to come closer. Offer her whatever she wants. Only if she came closer. The drugs hazing her but she still feels the pain from the crash. Dancing along his horizon. The wait till rescue. Now stuck alone. Crying for her mom to reply. Mommy, the spout storms. Reaching out for her. Telling her whatever she wants to hear in order for her to come to him. Promising her the dead. The spout comes closer through the storm. The rain letting up to allow her to come closer. The sun shinning. So bright. Shielding his eyes he still maintains his focus to grab her. Reaching out. The sun reflecting off the water. Reflecting off the water in her spout. It calling to her. No I can save her. Forging through the wind and light. As he gets closer it all stops. Just the spout before him. The warm sun shining on him. Sparking off the girl. Reaching out he feels her small spout twirl against his hand. Feel it hum. The sun shines brighter. So bright. The spout begins to evaporate. Lifting up off it’s water source. No, no! Trying to grab the storm that flows through his fingers. Please don’t. Don’t. Gripping onto nothing. Cursing the warm light. Putting all he is into the spout. Please. Then it is gone. The light shines brighter. Warm. Welcoming. Feeling of home.


Jim watched as the monitors alerted him to his friend’s arousal. Bones turns his head toward his friend. Kirk jumping up on the bed beside him
“Jim,” wanting to ask what happened. Yet ended up with an armful of Jim. Then the hands on the sides of his face. Blue tear filled eyes staring into his hazel ones.
“I almost lost you. I...” Jim crushes his lips into Bones. Shock running through him at his friend’s response. After getting no response from the form under him, Jim pulls back. Each staring into the others eyes.
“What happened?” McCoy asked confused at what is going on.
“You...” Kirk has to breathe. “You died.”
“What?” McCoy tries to sit up. Disbelief. “What happened?” Kirk sat back. Gripping Bones’ hand. Holding onto him. Making him grounded.
“What is the last thing you remember?”
“I was operating on a small girl.” Jim looked away. Knowing the look from past experience. “She died.” Nodding his head at confirmation at his friend’s assumption. Resting back in shock. Looking up at the ceiling. Wishing for it to tell him why? Why did he have to lose?
“You died at the same time she did.” Hazel eyes searched his friends face. Asking him to continue. “Puri, assumed you were using your talent and got in to far. And you let it drag you too.”
Closing his eyes McCoy remembers the spout. Remembers fighting so hard for it. Urging it to stay with all his talent. Letting it take him. And it did. But then how did I get back.
“Who revived me?” McCoy searched Jim’s face. Jim prayed to the ceiling. How to explain. “Jim?” McCoy squeezed the hand in his. Catching his attention. Eyes locking.
“I did.” Curious and curiouser. “I felt you leaving me. Dying on me. I ran right out on my date. I had to get to you. Had to stop you.” He hiccupped. The emotions began to pour off him. Sadness, lost, fear. A huge slice of fear. McCoy never knowing him to be this afraid. sat up to his friends attention. Jim turned his orbs on him. So intense at how close he was to being lost in the warm light. The one that called him as it called the girl. “You had just been moved onto an OR table. They shocked you so many times. Puri was about to pronounce you when I arrived. I felt you slipping. I don’t know how but. I couldn’t let you go.” Tears began to fall down his checks. Jim never cried. Even all battered up. Never. But he was now. McCoy pulled his friend to him. Jim wrapping his arms around him. Locking them in around his friends. The tangible reminder that his friends is still here. Placing his ear over his pulse point. Feeling it beat under his ear. “I screamed at them to stop. I held you tight. You didn’t respond.” McCoy felt the lock squeeze him close. Never wanting to let him go. “I prayed to whomever was up there.” Taking a deep breath. Calming to continue at the recent nightmare. “Then I just begged you to come back.” McCoy closed his eyes. Trying to remember the details. He remembered the light. Remembered it’s warmth. Then a voice calling from the shore. Crying. Begging him to return. The onslaught of a storm pulling him closer from the light. But the storms he knew. Storms he always had. Never this warmth. Looking back to the storm. Hearing his name called. Not Len. Not Leonard. Not McCoy. Not even Lenny. But Bones. And there was only one storm that called him that. It was tearing at his shoreline. Such ferocity. No storm like it. Turning from the warmth I touched the storm. Instantaneously grabbing him and pulling him back. Len opened his eyes at the memory. Jim had pulled him back. Kissing the fools head and nestling his head on the other. Jim nuzzled in closer.
“I almost lost you.” McCoy let his arms fall from around the other. This caused Jim to move back to look into his friend’s face.
“You’ll never lose me. The dynamic duo.” The title that was named them for their constantly being with the other. And other perks. The talent. Jim smiled. Tears drying on his check. Bones lifts a hand to wipe away the remnants of the storm. “Jim,” never finishing for his lips were on his. Closing his eyes he let the storm he knew so well envelop his shores. Getting swept away in it.
Letting it take over. Hands roaming. The rain soaking into his skin. Air exchange. Winds blowing through their hair. The softness of the beach under them. Weight pressed into the other. Accepting. Taking each other in. Orbs of color staring into the other. Promising to never leave the other. To fight for the other. Through all the storms, stars, and shiny days. To keep the other warm.
Feeling of Home.

Part 7: Counting Waves

star trek 2009, empath!mccoy, st:to many, kirk/mccoy

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