Fandom Snowflake Challenge, Day 1

Jan 02, 2012 01:50

I am home from NOLA, which I love hugely. I love less the amount of work waiting for me and the head cold that followed me home, but I am happy to have made it to 2012 feeling like good things are in store. I hope they are for you, too.

I have seen this all over, and it just seems like a great idea:

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fandom snowflake

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Comments 3

dogeared January 2 2012, 14:04:40 UTC
Oh, Bar Harbor's Best! Even seeing the title gives me such a warm, happy, nostalgic feeling. :D Happy new year, sweets!!


mingsmommy January 3 2012, 19:36:54 UTC
I love A Glass of Wine and's so deep and shows so much insight into both of them. When I was reading it I LITERALLY squeed at the scene in the garage when she takes a step toward him. I re-read that story at least once a week.

And Still, Still, Still just knocked me on my ass. I want you to write the next scene for that one SO much.


beeej January 4 2012, 13:57:32 UTC
Aw, you picked Bar Harbor's Best, too! Good times! :D


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