Fandom Snowflake Challenge, Day 1

Jan 02, 2012 01:50

I am home from NOLA, which I love hugely. I love less the amount of work waiting for me and the head cold that followed me home, but I am happy to have made it to 2012 feeling like good things are in store. I hope they are for you, too.

I have seen this all over, and it just seems like a great idea:

So without further ado:

Day One: In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Drop a link to your post in the comments.

Here's nine, which is three times three and therefore extra lucky. :D

Still, Still, Still. Criminal Minds. Rossi/Prentiss. This is one of the most recent things I've written, and it did just what I wanted it to. It's probably a good, quick example of what I like about what I write - and what appeals to me in fanfic. I love stories about connection and family and moments.

Turnings (The Simple Gifts Remix). Dark is Rising. Ellen Drew. The Dark is Rising sequence is one of my best-beloved reads and re-reads, and when the author of the underlying fic came up as needing a pinch hit remix, I got so, so lucky. I loved getting to write about the not-so-ordinary mother of three extraordinary children - someone raised them to be brave and adventurous, and I wanted to know more about her.

Bar Harbor's Best. SGA. McKay/Sheppard. beeej started it, with her awesome picture and fantastic manip. And there was comment!fic, and then a challenge, and somehow I ended up with a hurricane named Pablo, and the Miss Sam, and Madison the proto-marine biologist. And a lot of beer. And it was just so much fun.

De Librorum. Who. Before Donna Noble and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, there was Martha Jones, and my love for Jorge Luis Borges, and this completely random story about a sort-of sentient library that I am sort of unreasonably proud of.

The Boy Who Didn't Need Stories. SGA. Zelenka and Teyla and a fairytale. I still remember putting the pieces together for this fic, and knowing how I wanted to do it, but being just shy of being able to get it to work, till I found the right fairytale, and it clicked.

Not Enough, Never Enough. Who. Martha and Ten, Martha/Ten if you want. This fic is basically summarized as: I love all the companions, but oh, Martha. I love her to pieces, and I could not cheer harder for her. Donna's story breaks my heart, but Martha leaves me cheering, period, the end.

(Im)possible Universes. SGA. Ronon-POV, Gen or OT4 if you squint. I have a hard time with apoca!fic. But the way Ronon finds home on the show is really interesting to me, and I feel like apoca!fic (mild, mild apoca!fic) actually gave me a neat chance to dig into that.

Parley. SGA/SG-1. Sheppard/Mitchell. I was on vacation and this fic was looming, and over the course of a few days I just had a huge sense of place - I wanted to write something set where I was, capturing what I loved about it.

A Glass of Wine and Thee. Criminal Minds. Rossi/Prentiss. The quotes fell neatly into line, and I like the way the two halves of the fic line up. I'm suspicious of my ability to write two different perspectives in a fic, but I think it worked out here, and I think I managed to keep a strong sense of the moment, rather than getting lost in a character's thoughts, which happens to me a lot.

fandom snowflake

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