And there was much squee!

Dec 27, 2011 21:46

I am in gorgeous NOLA, and spent the AM revisiting old haunts (including Lee's, in Metarie, for some of the best hamburgers in life, oh my god).

PLUS, reveals are up for maniacalshen wrote Bad Hospitality, just for me, and it is lovely, lovely Nine/Rose/Jack OT3.

I wrote Don’t Panic, Or The Ponds’ Guide to Surviving the Galaxies for apple_pathways - it's Amy/Rory, set during 6.11, The God Complex; 6.12, Closing Time; and 6.13, The Wedding of River Song. I really enjoyed writing it, not in the least because I got to play around with quotes from The Hitchhiker's Guide.

I've also written for cmrossiprentiss's Advent Calendar, run once again by the lovely microgirl8225 - my ficlets are the 9th, the 13th, and the 23d.

I am so behind on reading BOTH comms, but you should check them out amidst the Yuletide squee, because there's some lovely stuff.
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