Fandom Snowflake Challenge, Day 2

Jan 02, 2012 23:31

Fandom Snowflake details here.

Day Two: In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you did not create. Drop a link to your post in the comments. See if you can rec fanworks that are less likely to be praised: tiny fandoms, rare pairings, fanworks other than stories, lesser known kinks or tropes. Find fanworks that have few to no comments, or creators new to a particular fandom and maybe aren't well known or appreciated. Appreciate them.

Fanart: The Cloister, by saramondo. Who. Jack/Ten. This was submitted over on wintercompanion for the second Summer Holidays challenge, and I loved it from the moment the submission landed in my mailbox. It's my current background, and there's just something quiet and serene and a little sad about it.

Fanfic: Soul Searching, by Quillusion. Harry Potter. Snape/Hermione. This is one of my eternal comfort reads - lovely smut, a fun plot, a good sense of place, and a nice snap to it, for lack of a better word.

Fanfic: Marriage á Trois, by Sorrel. Sherlock Holmes (movie). Holmes/Watson/Mary. I know this is moderately well-known, but my god, I love it. I love Mary's voice, and just find it so utterly believable. Another frequent re-read.

Fanfic: Acute Angles, by smittywing. Criminal Minds. Hotch/Rossi/Prentiss. Speaking of things I cannot stop reading, ever. This just nails exactly why this OT3 is compelling, and does so in the aftermath of Foyet with such humor and wisdom and sorrow. I will read it FOREVER.

Fanfic: Departures: The Slow Recovery Remix, by such_heights. Who. Martha. I have always loved Martha, always, and particularly in relation to Jack, in a wholly platonic way. This fics captured so much of what I love about the idea of the two of them, and here is where I run out of coherent things to say beyond "Go Read It Now."

Fanfic: A Hinge in the Air, by mingsmommy. Criminal Minds. Rossi/Prentiss. This story. Oh, this story. It's about the slow, lovely growth of a friendship and a relationship and it is full of joy, despite also being full of an unsub and a funeral and a hospital stay. It is just a jewel.

Fanfic: Untitled, by noodledome. My childhood reading. Aka, Frank Hardy/Nancy Drew. Sexting. Frank and Nancy sexting. Just. Yes.

Fanfic: Signs of the Apocalypse, by raisintorte. America's Test Kitchen. Gen. Only raisintorte could convince me that this fic was a good idea. As it is, it is both adorable and hysterical and I love it.

Fanfic: The Silver Ship, by ermigoa. Fairytales. Princess/Wolf. This fic takes my breath away. It reads like the old, old fairytales, and yet weaves seamlessly into a science fiction background. It's cruel and lovely and hopeful, all at once.

fandom snowflake

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