Title: Dirty Little Secret (Part 6)
Rating: R
Pairing: Ryan/Colin
He'd known Colin was in love with him as he'd reached out for the first time, in the darkness of another anonymous motel room, and pulled him closer.
Author's Notes: Baby-sized update, because I'm nearly done with the part after this, and if I post this now, it'll encourage me to finish the next bit ... yeah, that made way more sense in my head. *sighs*. By the way, thanks for all the comments. And still reading it, even though some of you aren't too thrilled with Ryan =)
Part Six: I'll keep you my dirty little secret
He'd known Colin was in love with him the first time he'd spent the night with him - the first time he actually awakened next to him. He'd rested his forearm over his eyes, doing his best to block out the sunlight streaming through the gap in the cheap curtains, and had eventually risked a glance over at Colin.
His friend's eyes had been a little wide, a little confused, and - maybe - a little hopeful. He'd known what Col had wanted to ask; he'd seen the question forming on the tip of his friend's tongue, but they had both known he'd never ask it.
"Did you accidentally fall asleep? Or ... did you, maybe ...mean ...to stay?"
He'd stifled a fake yawn and had rolled to the side of the bed. He'd taken longer than strictly necessary to button his shirt, fussing over his cuffs for as long as he could, and by the time he'd risen to zip up his pants, Colin had already been dressed and perched on the mattress.
He'd glanced over at him, his hand had frozen over his fly, and Colin had quietly just looked back at him.
He'd known Colin was in love with him the first time he'd left the lights on while they fucked; normally, he'd wordlessly reach out and flick off the bedside lamp before they'd even started undressing, and Colin would sit very still for a moment before reaching for his own belt.
He'd made a point of turning off the main light - and Colin hadn't reacted, because it was really par for course; when he'd then slowly turned on the lamp, his friend had studied him out of the corner of his eye.
Ryan had ignored it.
He'd known Colin was in love with him the first time he'd undressed his oldest friend - usually, they undressed themselves. This time, however, he'd stepped in close to Colin, and the shorter man had swallowed, and stared at Ryan's neck. He'd reached for the bottom button of Colin's shirt, and his friend's hands had rested - if a little awkwardly - on the taller man's waist.
He'd tugged on the shirt; he'd slid it down Colin's arms, and the other man's hands had hovered in midair for a beat, and Ryan had known that his friend was toying with the idea of undressing him, so he'd quickly reached for his top button.
After a pause, Colin's hands had fallen back down to his side.
He'd known Colin was in love with him as he'd reached out for the first time, in the darkness of another anonymous motel room and pulled him closer. He'd silently urged Colin's head onto his bare shoulder; he'd wrapped his arm around his friend, and he'd heard the older man suck in a sharp breath. He'd stared at the ceiling, and he'd stroked his friend's back, idly, for a while. Eventually, his hand had skated a little higher, and he'd brushed his fingers through Colin's soft hair, and his friend had tentatively reached out to touch Ryan's chest. He'd dipped his head, then, to rest his cheek against the top of Colin's head for a long moment, and Ryan had shut his eyes as tightly as he could.