Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Yummy. I think I'm less confused now.
Anyway, that was absolutely gorgeous. The image of Ryan undressing Colin, but not letting Colin do the same is so great. It's like a need to be in charge because he's maybe starting to feel things for Colin now and he needs to stay in control. Yay. More?
Yeah, that's what I was aiming for; Ryan needing, so desperately, to be in control of this, because he thinks he can control his feelings somehow.
It was a bit like that in the other chapter, I think; I wanted Ryan to not ever want to kiss Colin on the mouth, for fear of it being too intimate/losing control/being more than just sex ... so really, nothing like what I just said, lol. Don't mind me.
Comments 12
Throughly enjoying this. :D
*laughs* Almost corresponds exactly to Ryan's seeming lack of it, does it not? Perhapsssssss.........
Yay, great job. ;)
Anyway, that was absolutely gorgeous. The image of Ryan undressing Colin, but not letting Colin do the same is so great. It's like a need to be in charge because he's maybe starting to feel things for Colin now and he needs to stay in control. Yay. More?
It was a bit like that in the other chapter, I think; I wanted Ryan to not ever want to kiss Colin on the mouth, for fear of it being too intimate/losing control/being more than just sex ... so really, nothing like what I just said, lol. Don't mind me.
*wanders off*
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