Morpheus Fields Chapter 10

Dec 05, 2011 21:30

Morpheus Fields Chapter 9

Adam lowered them back down onto the bed slowly, hiding his wings again and keeping his weight on his elbows so as not to crush his human. He petted Tommy’s pink-blonde hair with one hand and rubbed the pad of his thumb over Tommy’s lips with the other. When Tommy’s eyes fluttered open, Adam smiled down at him.

"Are you alright?"

"I felt like we were flying." Tommy whispered, leaning in to Adam hand. "I’ve never felt that way before with anyone else."

Adam couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him, "That’s because we kind of were."

Tommy’s eyes widened, "You’re wings…"

Adam nodded and kissed him softly; sliding off of Tommy and to his side, wrapping Tommy up in his arms and pulling him close. Kissing the tip of Tommy’s nose, he smiled into the human’s eyes. "I’ll take you home tomorrow. You’ll have to explain your absence for a week."

He felt Tommy stiffened beside him. "What if I don’t want to go back?"

Adam sighed, not wanting to think about it right then. "We’ll talk about it in the morning." He kissed the side of Tommy’s neck. "Sleep."

Within moments, Tommy was breathing steady and slow as he slept.

It was a long time before sleep took the God as he lay beside his human mate.

Tommy felt something niggling at the back of his mind, something important; something that he needed to pay attention to, but he couldn’t wade his way through his sleep fogged brain to figure out what was wrong. He heard a voice speaking and knew that what was being said meant something. He was so tired, so very tired but he heard a few words come through here and there.

"Love…but Fated…and I can’t…please understand."

Tommy tried to concentrate harder, and his mind baulked when he felt strong arms leaving him. "No!"

"…have to go…will watched out for you…don’t want to…love you."

He couldn’t hold on to what lucidity he had as sleep took him once again.

Adam stood and watched Tommy sleeping in his own bed. He didn’t want to leave him but he knew now that he had no choice. There was no other way for Tommy to do what he was fated to do and be. If Adam stayed, he wouldn’t let the human go. Somehow, Tommy had burrowed himself deeply into his heart and there would be no getting him back. Adam closed his eyes against the pain of knowing that he may never see Tommy again, but there was no help for it. It was what it was.

He bent down and kissed those precious lips one last time. One last touch that may have to last him several human lifetimes and then he faded into nothing.

Tommy opened his eyes, brain foggy and sleep hazed, as he stretched. He felt an ache in his ass and smiled, reaching across the bed to pull Adam to him. There was no one there. He sat up and looked around, a frown marring his pretty face. He ran a hand through his hair and tried to figure out what the fuck was going on.

He was back in his room. He shouldn’t be in his room, he should still be in Adam’s bed, back in where ever the fuck it was Adam lived. But he wasn’t. He tried to think back and remember what had happened and how he got back to his own bed.

He remembered Adam talking to him while he was sleeping so deep that he couldn’t wake up, just snippets of words about and love and fate.

A smile broke across his face. Adam had told him he loved him. Adam loved him. Holy fuck, he was in love with Morpheus.

That knowledge alone had Tommy jumping out of bed, happier than he could ever remember being. He picked up the phone to call his sister.

"Tommy? Where the fuck have you been?" Lisa demanded as he answered the phone. "I was worried fucking sick."

Tommy couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled out. "I was with Morpheus. And I’m in love."

Lisa was quiet and didn’t say anything.

"Did you hear me?"

"You’ve been gone almost a week, Tommy. Have you been using?"

"What? No! Fuck no, I’ve been with Morpheus. I’m in love with him Lisa, and he loves me too."

"Tommy, listen, if you used, its okay. I’m not going to leave again but honey, you’ve got to stop. We need you now."

Tommy felt all of his pleasure burned away in an instant. "I’ve not used since you called, other than smoking a joint, Lisa. Have a little faith in me, god!"

Lisa was quiet for a long time. "You just said you were in love with a mythical God, Tommy. It just sounds like a heavy trip to me."

Tommy was speechless and then anger poured through him. "You’re the one who said it sounded like Morpheus when I told you about my dreams. What the fuck, Lisa?"

"It’s just dreams, Tommy. I need you here, in reality. I need you TJ."

"Fuck you!" Tommy slammed the phone down; angrier at his sister than when she left him the last time. "Fuck you." He said with a little less heat as he sank back onto his bed.

He covered his face with his hands and wanted a fix worse than he had in weeks.

It was two weeks later and Tommy still hadn’t seen Adam. No more visits to his dreams, no more making love on Adam’s big black bed, no more kisses. He was going to go insane. He pulled his stash box out and went in search of Jack. He found him in the kitchen and it looked like he was getting ready to leave.

"Hey man, you wanna shoot up with me?" Tommy asked.

"Dude, I thought you quit because of you sister and all?"

"I need a hit man and I don’t wanna do this shit alone." He pulled out some of his stock-piled morphine and couldn’t keep the bitterness off his face as he thought of Adam.

"I was just going out."

"Dude, you’re stoned already. You don’t need to be driving. Fuck that. Come on, let’s get high."

Jack shrugged, threw his keys down and followed Tommy into the living room.

Tommy threw the half filled bottle and a needle toward Jack. "Here"

"Thanks man."

Tommy took out two bottles and a needle, along with the tourniquet. He prepared his vein and pulled up the drug. All he wanted to do was forget about Adam and forget about Lisa. Adam hadn’t come to him in so long, he was beginning to believe his sister, that it had all been a dream, that none of it had been real. If that was true, Tommy didn’t want to be here anymore. He pulled out a third bottle and then a fourth. ‘Fuck it,’ he thought to himself, ‘I’m done.’

"Dude, you sure you’re not going to overdo it with all that?" Jack said as he injected himself.

"I don’t give a fuck, man. I’m through with this shit."

Tommy plunged the needle into his vein and injected himself with the large dose of morphine. He lay back and waited for it to hit his system.

Adam stood in the corner, fretting over Tommy using the morphine. It had been a while since Tommy had used and that was a big fucking dose in that needle. He hadn’t left Tommy; it was just that Tommy couldn’t see him. He had to let Tommy fulfill his fate, didn’t he? Wasn’t that why the others had put him on this job?

But there was a little voice yakking in the back of his head, whispering, ‘What if it was because he’s yours that they gave you this job? What if that’s the real reason and you’re throwing it away?’

He pushed the thought back and watched nervously as the morphine took affect on his mate.

Tommy’s eyes rolled back in his head and he closed them.

Adam felt momentary panic. He looked over at Jack, Tommy’s roommate and weighed if Jack would remember him against his need to protect Tommy.

"Damn!" He became visible and touched Tommy’s neck, to check for a pulse. It was slow and irregular, Tommy’s breathing barely there. "Damn it, Tommy. Wake up!"

He heard a pop and crackled. He turned as Thanatos appeared with a sad smile on his face.

"No! Oh hell no, you can’t have him, Isaac. No!"

"Morpheus, you knew this would happen and you can be with him if he’s gone from this reality. Step aside and let me take him."

"No! No, you can’t. He’s not finished what he needed to do. This is my fault, you can’t. I won’t let you."

Thanatos smiled sadly at him. "You can’t stop me, Adam; you know you can’t stop death."

Adam stood and he was nothing but Morpheus in that moment. "I am a God and I am his mate. You will not take him!" He spread his wings in a show of intimidation, pictures flashing across them and in his glowing blue eyes.

Isaac didn’t flinch. "You can’t stand in death’s way, Morpheus, not even you."

He fixed his eyes on Isaac, looking into his soul, seeing his fears and flashed then on his wings. "Even God’s dream, Thanatos. Do you really want to cross me?"

In that moment, Jack stirred. "Holy fuck!"

They both turned and looked at him.

"Holy fuck! Tommy, wake the fuck up, man. You gotta see this shit." Jack shook Tommy.

Adam let out a breath of relief as Tommy’s eyes fluttered open and locked on him.

"Morpheus…" He reached out a hand and Adam took it, transporting them to his home immediately and without another thought.

Morpheus Fields Chapter 11

morpheus fields, fic - multi chaptered, adam/tommy, lambliff big bang, r

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