Title: A Rose by Any Other Name
Characters/Pairing: G!Spock/B!Uhura
witblogiRating: What was the movie rated?....pg 13 maybe?
Words: ~3000
Summary: If we lived in a matriarchal society... (complete universe genderswap)
Disclaimer:I don't own Trek
Notes: Um, this might be the most unoriginal thing I've ever
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Comments 9
And the strange Scottish woman -- lol. The last scene and the scene with boy!Chapel is definitely my favourite. I also can't help but be amused at thinking of girl!Kirk hitting on boy!Uhura in the bar scene now. So did some girls fight for his honor? XD It's like the Uhura fan club or something beats Kirk up, hehe.
So, I will totes cheerlead if you ever decide to do more with this gender bended universe. :)
“Uhura! No way! That’s the name I was going to make up for ya!- a little girly but- I think it works.” He smirks and Kirk feels a little closer to her goal, “Uhura what?”
“Just Uhura.” He intones shaking his head slightly and watching the bartender’s progress. Kirk biter her lip and pushes her hair out of her face, it’s shaggy and too long again but the guys like that, like something to hold onto.
“You don’t have last names in your world?” If every little piece of information is going to be this hard to get out of him-
“Uhura is my last name,” he smirks again. Kirk reassesses her stance and decides Uhura is definitely worth a little chase ( ... )
Oooh, this scene totally just popped into my head. b!Uhura trying to be all chivalrous and walking professor g!Spock home after a late night in the long range sensor lab (hurr hurr) and g!Spock being all this-is-illogical-but-whatever and then they run into thugs or something and g!Spock ends up kicking ass before Uhura can land a punch. XD
I also like thinking of b!Uhura as being as understanding and perceptive as normal female Uhura is always portrayed as being. It makes the whole Spock being basically an emotional invalid sometimes more interesting as a female to Uhura's male since it's a role reversal from what's typical for humans (men being clueless, women being perceptive).
lol i've written a bit more in the comment reply above this if you're like the read the Kirk/Uhura bar scene :P
BTW the other Spock thats in the Uhura picture is better looking and reminds me of T'Pol
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