Is it really begging-for-dollars time again already?

Aug 16, 2009 20:37

Yes. Yes it is.

I have to admit, I toyed with the idea of not walking this year. This will be my 11th year doing AIDS Walk LA, and if you're tired of reading my fundraising posts, let me tell you, I'm tired of writing them as well.

At the same time, the need continues--and, in this economy, with governmental and non-governmental grants being cut, it's greater than ever. And people living with HIV don't have the option of taking a year off just because they feel like it.

Moreover, to my delight, despite the economy, my employer has once again committed to matching the funds raised by our company's team, so any amount you pledge through me will be doubled. That's a pretty good deal.

This year, a lot of people are out of work, and we're all watching our budgets. I don't want or expect anyone to donate if you honestly can't afford it. If you can give a little, though, I hope you will. And if you're lucky enough not to have had your earnings go down this year, would you please consider donating a little extra to cover someone else who simply doesn't have the money to spare right now?

The money raised by AIDS Walk LA benefits AIDS Project Los Angeles and other AIDS service organizations across Los Angeles County, to provide services for thousands of people living with AIDS/HIV, promote HIV-prevention activities, and support AIDS education and policy activism on the local, state, and national level. For more details on the projects AIDS Walk LA funds, click here.

If even half of the people on my flist make small contributions, I'll easily reach my goal. You can pledge by credit card ($25 and up) here, or if you want to send me a check (any amount, payable to AIDS Walk LA), please leave a comment or email me at without_me at LJ and let me know how to get you my contact information. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can also Paypal me cash (not credit card payments) to contribute on your behalf, using the without_me at LJ addy. (Naturally, I don't encourage people to do this if they have any concern or doubt that I will make the donation.)

No matter how you contribute, if you pledge through me your contribution will be matched by my employer, so please don't think your $5 or $10 isn't important! (And if you can give more, of course, that would be wonderful.) If you'd like to help without making a donation, or in addition to whatever donation you do make, please feel free to spread the word, pointing people to this post and/or to my AIDS Walk fundraising page.

Thanks to you (and my employer's match) I was AWLA's 21st-highest fundraiser last year--no, really!), and I would love to exceed that total this year. (I don't get anything beyond bragging rights for being in the top 100, but I'll take those!) With your support, I can easily reach my goal and help a lot of people who really need it. THANK YOU.
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