Jun 28, 2011 15:56


What is a Big Bang?
In a nutshell, a big bang is when an author writes a longer/long fic (10,000 - 20,000 words minimum) and an artist makes any type of art for them. This can include actual artwork (fanart), icons, fan mixes, fan vids and banners.

The witchesbigbang is a counterpart to other supernatural big bangs that I've seen on LJ. When I discovered vampirebigbang and werewolfbigbang, I decided that there also needed to be a witchesbigbang.

For this, you can sign up to write in a fandom or write an original fic. Getting art for original fiction may be more difficult than for fandom, but it is by no means impossible.

Where/when can I sign up?
The sign ups are due to open on August 1st.

What if I don't write or do art? How can I still participate?
There a number of ways you can participate even if you do not wish to do so by writing or doing artwork. If you are a beta reader, the authors are going to need them as all fics must be beta read. If you aren't comfortable with that, all authors AND artists are going to need cheerleaders to keep them going as deadlines draw closer or they hit writer/artist block for whatever reason.

Author Requirements~~

What am I doing?
Your story is to be a minimum of 10K words and needs to be beta read. If you have someone that is your normal beta reader, great, if not we will have a post of people signing up to do just that.

What if I started a story? Can I use that?
If it's a story you've started writing but have not posted, that's fine.

Can I write with a co-author?
Yes you may. Just be sure to include that in the sign up.

Can I write more than one story?
If you feel you can write more than one story in the schedule given, have at it.

Are there any restrictions to what I can write?
As long as it centers around witches in some form or another, anything goes. Just make sure when posting the finished product that ample warnings are put on the fic beforehand.

~~Artist Requirements~~

How do I know what art I am doing?
When rough drafts start coming in, a post will go up for claims. It is a first come, first serve basis as to what you want to do. Then that story is taken off the list so others can not claim it.

What are the requirements?
Anything goes. Art (Headers, banners, wallpapers, book covers, icons), fan vid, fan mix. Just put some effort into the thought of the piece and that it goes along with what the author is envisioning. It doesn't do for the artwork to be way out in right field if the story is in left. A minimum of five songs is needed for a fan mix. One or two songs does not a fan mix make. If you're going to make icons for the writer, please try to make between 10-15 icons for them.

What if the one I wanted is taken?
First come, first serve basis. However, weI will be taking a first, second, third and fourth choice so that hopefully you get SOMETHING you wanted.

What if there are more writers than artists?
If this happens, then we will extend the artist deadline and they can take on more than one story if they so wish.

What about the other way around?
Then we'll have more than one artist doing one fic.

Can I do more than one piece of art?
For now, no. Let's see how the ratio of author sign ups are to artist. We may need artists to do more than one if there aren't enough artist sign ups. But if there are enough, it's not fair for one author to have two artists when another doesn't.


Sign Ups Begin-- August 1st
Author Sign Ups Close -- October 1st
Check Point #1 -- October 10th
Check Point #2 -- December 10th
Artist Sign-Ups Close -- December 10th
Summaries Due -- January 10th
Rough Drafts Due -- January 20th
Art Claims Begin -- January 20th
Final Drafts/Art Due -- March 10th
Posting Begins -- March 20th

Why is there so much time?
Because real life has a tendency to REALLY suck and it allows people to have enough time to really get this done without pulling their hair out. Plus, since some of the dates are going into the holiday season and NANO season, no one needs to be stressed out going in. We did our best to make sure that our due dates didn't conflict with other challenges going on.

When you say rough draft, does that mean a finished, un-betaed piece?
If you are done by the rough draft due date except the beta portion, great. If not, a rough draft means at least 7-8k of the fic completed as well as a basic outline for the rest of the fic. And if you are getting to a point by the rough draft due date and you have 5k or less of your fic done, please tell me so I can get some cheerleaders on your side for encouragement.

Can I post early?
No, please. To be fair, we'll stick to the posting schedule and this means to your personal journal to. Just to be fair.

Questions? Ask in this post.

Rules lovingly stolen with permission of queenmidalah from bjt_bigbang.

!mod post, !faq, !info

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