the only coffee i'd ever drink, part one (too long for one post, go figure)

Feb 02, 2007 19:37

this is a badfic.

really. i promise.  Mastress declared it officially "do not post directly to the group, link it from elsewhere." but this is the only elsewhere i've really got.

It is related to 'Gummy's Bad Day' canon.  It was fired from it.  (ie: while GBD4 was where the idea sprung from, it's not canon to GBD itself.  unless i change my mind later, of course :P )

anywho, read at your own risk, and whatnot.



Sweet sat unmoving, staring fixedly into a cup of cold tea.  It had not been cold when she assumed this position, but the only change aside from its temperature was the slow flush that had begun in he cheeks, and was now likely about to meet itself coming the other way somewhere in her scalp.

She had accepted an anonymous invitation to come to this fairly sparse apartment because it had said that the inviter had information of ‘dire importance’ to her.  In the name of prudence, under her clothing were a number of discreet devices monitoring her vitals, and if there were any signs that she was in danger, Sigma and Helmut were in position nearby to come to the rescue.  She’d have preferred at the time if RD was going to be there too, but love aside, she had to admit that he had as much place in a stealth operation as a chain-cannon in a surgical toolkit.

And now that she had, hopefully, most of the dire information, she was really actually quite relieved that there was no chance whatsoever of RD being within earshot.  What was the most maddening part of it all was that it made really far too much sense.  One only had to watch a Fuzion taking place to see that the Blox at the heart of many modern zoids were at least as supernatural as the more familiar, but still enigmatic zoidcores.

Sweet didn’t want to believe what she was hearing.  But she had precious little choice in the matter.  The girl knew things.  Things that Sweet knew RD had never told anyone, that he refused even to think about much less talk about, that she herself only knew because she’d snooped in the Liger Zero’s internal computer.  She had to accept it.  She was sitting here listening to a woman who was the reincarnation of a zoid.

The Fire Phoenix, first Fuzor partner to RD’s Liger Zero, who as a human went by the name of Venus, smiled triumphantly.  She hadn’t said a word for five minutes, simply watching confused emotions flickering back and forth across Sweet’s face.  The shocks had been nearly too much for her already, and if she did this right, it would get her out of the picture entirely. “Of course,” she almost purred, her voice dripping sweet reasonableness, “there’s someone we both care about very much.” Sweet nodded dumbly, clearly only half-hearing the words, definitely incapable of any real thought whatsoever, and, well, consent was consent… “So I’m sure you won’t mind steeping aside so that RD and I can be together.”

Venus was very surprised at the brown stain of tea suddenly making its way down the wall, the hand that had lifted her off the ground by the front of her feather dress, and the shriek of “What did you say?!” that rattled the windows.  Some things are automatic.

“N-now just calm down…” Venus tried to backpedal.

“No I won’t calm down! So that’s what this is really about? All that about true love with the Liger Zero was just to get me rattled?”

“No, that was all true, but I can’t exactly do that anymore, a human body can’t Fuzor with a zoid.”

Sweet stopped shouting, and spoke calmly.  A fool might mistake this for her temper having abated, but Venus was saved form this fallacy by grace of not yet having been lowered back to the floor.  “So you’re just settling for him?  And for that you could just push me aside? RD loves me!”

Venus smiled, “Do you think you’re his only love? You’ve watched him fight.  Do you really think there’s much separation between RD and the Liger Zero?”

Sweet’s lip curled back in a snarl, and she let Venus fall back into her chair, “I’ll get back to you.”  The door was an automatic slider, so she couldn’t slam it.

Another door opened, and another young girl came in.  She looked a smaller copy of Venus, only paler, her dress blue and white where Venus wore red and yellow.  “That was… shockingly inept, cousin.”

“Oh, be quiet, Mercury.  It’s not like this was the only way in.  There’s nothing forcing us to be polite about this.”

“I don’t see why we didn’t do that from the beginning.  Then we would’ve had the element of surprise.”

“You were only reborn a short while ago, dear, you don’t quite have a full grasp on the differences involved in being human.  Sometimes surprise isn’t all that useful.  Sweet will definitely tell RD about today, and as a result, at least part of him will be waiting to welcome us.”

Except Sweet didn’t tell RD.  As misguided, illogical, insane, and in the right sort of light, suicidal as they were when she got them, she had a plan.  She told Dan.  Sort of.

“You want me to do WHAT?  Sweet, where did you even hear about those things?”

“Does that matter?  Can you find one to install on the Liger?”

“Well, I guess so, if it’s really important…” Dan trailed off. He had imagined one day having a conversation about this sort of thing, sometime in the future, after finding someone who he wanted to discus it with.  And he’d be discussing it about installing it on their own zoid, talking about doing something like this to someone else’s… He felt dirty. He didn’t like it.

Sweet sensed an opportunity to push, lifting one finger to her bottom lip in a pouty expression of exaggerated innocence, “Puh-leeeeze, Dan?”  She then stepped into the territory of outright lies, “RD wants this, too.  We’d do it ourselves, but I’m afraid we’d end up damaging the Liger Zero.”

Dan closed his eyes tightly, “You know what? I just don’t want to know.  What sort did you want me to get?”

Sweet inwardly winced.  She found the whole subject just as distressing as Dan did, she hadn’t checked anything more than finding out that the disgusting things existed.  “Oh, we’re not going to be picky, just install any that you can get ahold of!  Thanks Dan, you’re the best!”  She quickly left, before he could ask any more questions that she might not be able to keep a good face through, convinced that she’d set in motion a solution to her little interloper problem.

It was about a week later when disaster… well, no, not really, calamity, maybe? Not exactly… when something struck, certainly.  Two somethings, to be specific.  Neither of which were remotely connected to the set of Sweet’s underwear that went missing the same day.  Any of Sweet’s underthings which they handled remained in a thoroughly known location.  They used them to improvise a tacky, but thorough gag to ensure Sweet’s inability to attract help that might free her from the predicament of being stripped, tied up, and stuffed in a closet.

Mercury very carefully checked to make sure the closet door was firmly latched, then mockingly knocked several times just to irritate the captive Sweet. “Now can we get what we came for?”

Venus smiled, carefully closing and locking the window through which they’d gained entry, “Yes, now.”

RD was in bed.  It was the middle of the afternoon.  He wasn’t tired, in fact, there were any number of things he felt he’d rather be doing than laying in bed.  The trouble was, after they’d barged into his room and tackled him, Venus and this friend of hers had tied him down by the wrists and ankles.  They’d also attacked him with a pair of scissors, and he felt altogether unfairly exposed.  “You really shouldn’t be doing this…” RD pleaded.

Mercury groped him, letting her fingertips trail lazily back and forth, eyes fixed on a reaction older than thought, which was why thought had so much difficulty in preventing it. “Really? And why’s that? I certainly can’t think of any reason not to.”

Any reply RD might have had prepared was garbled by Mercury’s tonsils suddenly tickling his glans.  Doubtless before so assailed he would have declared his distaste for the situation and desire to bend all his endeavors towards escaping it.  Instead, he stammered breathlessly, “Sweet… any minute…”

Venus grinned, ceasing to simply enjoy the view from by the door to come join the fun on the bed. “No, she won’t.  We… took care of that.”

RD’s whole body went tense with burning fear and frigid rage, straining at the ropes which held him, whole realms of horror dancing across his psyche at the vagueness of her answer.  He may have wanted to scream, to shout defiance, to swear to deliver them a thousand deaths, but nothing was heard.  Venus had sat upon his face.

Mercury came up for air, “Besides, you don’t need her,” she grinned, wrapping herself around one of his legs, “We care about you more than she ever did, more than she ever could.”

And then she screamed.

zoids, badfic

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