LJ, ficathons, NaNo, ambitious projects etc

Oct 27, 2008 17:23

1. I wish LJ would stop randomly switching my viewing pref to things that aren't Dystopia. *CLINGS okay*

2. I may have signed up for remixthedrabble a bit ago. I worked on it yesterday -- have completed required assignment, have various ideas for extras. Yay ( Read more... )

nanowrimo2008, ficathon addiction, rpf, stupid writer brain, guest starrage, lj spaz

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Comments 6

tresa_cho October 28 2008, 01:49:18 UTC
Nanowrimo is amazing! I'm Tresa Cho over on the site, in charge of scifi forums this year. It's gonna be awesome.


wisdomeagle October 28 2008, 19:20:06 UTC

I don't usually didn't in 2005 play over on the site, preferring the safety of the flist, but we'll see!


alixtii October 28 2008, 17:13:58 UTC
Possibly attainable goal: finish writing up 2007-in-fic before it's time for the annual holiday-card-request post.

Hmm, yes. I'm still waiting to find out the sekrit theme. (Or was that announced? I feel like it might have been.)


wisdomeagle October 28 2008, 19:19:20 UTC
I actually don't know if I ever mentioned it in LJ.

But just because I love you, I'll give you a hint.

It's fun for the whole family!


alixtii October 31 2008, 02:51:13 UTC
Hmm. Whatever could it be?


sage_theory October 29 2008, 03:39:04 UTC
WHEEEEEE! I totally friended you over at NaNoWriMo (I'm "offhanded"). I'm so so so PSYCHED that you're doing Nano this year. Whatever you chose to write, I'm sure it would be absolutely the best thing ever.

I'm more than happy to help you hash out ideas or outline things, too!

Glee, Ari is doing NaNoWriMo!


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