1. I wish LJ would stop randomly switching my viewing pref to things that aren't Dystopia. *CLINGS okay*
2. I may have signed up for
remixthedrabble a bit ago. I worked on it yesterday -- have completed required assignment, have various ideas for extras. Yay!
3. I registered at NaNoWriMo. I won in 2005 (some of you will remember the gleee! with which I created a novel from nothing in 16 days. If I acquire a job that prevents me from devoting all my time from writing, I am excused. Otherwise, I will be in the 1666/day crowd!
If I could think of a premise that would be nice. (I would say "a plot," but that would be overly optimistic.)
4. Dad emailed me to let me know my birthday package from him and the kidlet has been mailed! :)
5. Um, I used to be really paranoid about casting spoilers but I promise this isn't that kind of spoiler. Still, behind the cut, upcoming guest starrage on network TV:
Alexis will be on Private Practice! I really need to get all caught up with my Grey'sverse. Alexis! Grey'sverse! Alexis! Addison! Alexis! Naomi! Alexis! Violet! ALEXIS.
6. I keep on thinking of ridiculous projects that I will definitely neverever actually accomplish. Not that this is news or anything.
Possibly attainable goal: finish writing up 2007-in-fic before it's time for the annual holiday-card-request post.