two things that are awesome (in no particular order)

Jun 12, 2008 05:53

1. Allison Janney and how hot she is. (Here, have a picture of her with the actor who plays Alexis on Ugly Betty. And also apparently an actor who played someone on Friends. Mostly, there is Allison Janney, looking kind of drunk but very pretty.)
okay NOW have a picture )

allison janney, ari vs. technology, actors are paid to be pretty, happiness jar

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Comments 10

hermionesviolin June 12 2008, 13:43:53 UTC
Was there supposed to be a link to the Allison Janney pictures you mention?


wisdomeagle June 12 2008, 18:01:08 UTC
Yes. Also, Ugly Better should have read Ugly Betty, and I should have been asleep. *goes to fix*


hermionesviolin June 12 2008, 18:14:59 UTC
My brain totally translated so I didn't even notice the typo (though I did think of my comment here and many like it when I read "She catches my typos and brain-os"). And yeah, I didn't register the timestamps when I read the flist the first time this morning, but when I had more time later and was going back, I registered the time stamp on this one, and yeah.

Ooh, that is a very pretty picture of Allison Janney.


malnpudl June 12 2008, 18:07:51 UTC
What a great pic. That's a happy-making thing.

I want to be her in my next life.


wisdomeagle June 12 2008, 18:12:00 UTC


hermionesviolin June 12 2008, 18:36:10 UTC
I initially read that as "I want her to be in my next life." :)


draconin June 13 2008, 01:08:18 UTC
1. I <3 Alison Janney! Her character CJ is just awesome and she plays it so well!
2. If you like AdBlockPlus, have you discovered NoScript? It stops any scripts on a page from executing unless you specify the site as being trusted. I've been amazed at how many seemingly innocuous sites have scripts running on them from other sites that collect info on you.


wisdomeagle June 13 2008, 04:00:28 UTC
1.Isn't CJ wonderful? The amount I love her CANNOT BE EXPRESSED.

2. I didn't have that installed, but I do now! Thanks for the rec. :)


georgiaclaire July 25 2008, 08:43:28 UTC
And I have the world's BIGGEST crush on Allison Janney. The West Wing. Juno. Ten Things I Hate About You. Even Weeds. Love. her.


wisdomeagle July 25 2008, 09:05:46 UTC
Ha. I protest. My crush on Allison Janney is world-destroyingly huge. (I love CJ especially -- like, can not actually believe she exists on my tv -- but The Houuuurs! Sigh. Swoon.)


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