ficrepost: "Sisters, Ever" (female characters, Bible)

May 09, 2008 18:06

Fandom: Bible
Title: Sisters, Ever
Author: Ari/wisdomeagle
Written for: daegaer in purimgifts 2008. Originally posted here.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: This is a work of creative fiction based on a sacred text. The author claims no credit for the characters or their stories, only for these imagined interactions. No disrespect is intended to those of any faith. The image is courtesy of a Google search.
Characters: Many Biblical women.

Sisters, Ever

In the beginning there was Eve, created by G-d's brooding spirit from dust and wind and the everflowing waters that wall creation.

In the beginning there was laughter.

There were sisters, ever, who slid with great travail from Eve's womb, sister upon sister, filling the earth with Eve's kinswomen, dust and water.

Before time, Noah's wife watched waters fall from heaven and fill the earth, falling rain, rising flood, falling, rising, falling, rising, and her husband's carpentry, hammering a migraine into her head as, anxious and tired, she waited for the world to end in rain, rainy day upon rainy day, grey upon grey, depth upon depth until the world was devoured by chaos again.

The waters subsided, and rose again, bubbling in Sarah's laughter and Rebekah's well, in Leah's patience and Rachel's beauty. The water was bright in their eyes, tears of sorrow, sisters dying, tears of joy when the clouds cleared and only grace was visible. Tears of laughter, far into the night, as woman's secrets were shared, the waters of the birthing chamber, the deep pools of wisdom as old as night.

The waters rose and swirled around Miriam, and she walked undrowned across the Red Sea's floor.

The waters fell from Naomi's eyes, and she became Mara, bitter herbs that fed her daughters for a fortnight, bitter water that taught her daughters the taste of mourning, bitter words that Ruth's honey could not sweeten.

In sterile waters, Esther washed, the secrets of her people forgotten for a moment as she learned the trickery of beauty, the combs and oils and pigments that would make her beautiful, that would wash away her ancestors, their laughter and their bitterness and their endless patience. She was baptized a queen, and rose from the pool a singular gem, dry, pleasing, and she earned the king's favor with her shape and scent, and smiled, for old waters and new washed over her, and from water, once again, her sisters rose, renewed.

There were many evenings after, and many mornings too, but none so sweet as Esther's.


Eve+ Miriam+all the women of the Bible

my fanfic, purimgifts, my biblefic

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