ficrepost: "First Morning" Eve (Bible)

May 09, 2008 17:59

Fandom: Bible
Title: First Morning
Author: Ari/wisdomeagle
Written for: daegaer in purimgifts 2008. Originally posted here.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: This is a work of creative fiction based on a sacred text. The author claims no credit for the characters or their stories, only for these imagined interactions. No disrespect is intended to those of any faith. The image is courtesy of a Google search.
Character: Eve

First Morning

The first woman was not formless and void. She was not chaos; she was not a womb waiting to be filled. She was dust infused with life, breath that rippled over her lips and spilled into the firmament, laughter. The first woman was well-formed, and round. She moved over the earth that had been shaped into land, and smiled up at the waters that had been shaped into sky, and waded into the waters, teeming with fish and with crustaceans. The water was clean, and filled with clean creatures, and everything that swam was given to the woman to eat.

The first woman stumbled in the water, laughing, and her hair was drenched with liquid, and her skin shone with it. She took two handfuls of water and poured them over the first man, and laughed because he was wet, and she was wet, and they were surrounded by water, protected by the firmament and by the seashore from engulfment, because they were filled with water, sweet to drink, drowning in water, gentle waves that carried them far from home, huge tides that swept out past the horizon, toward the end of the world. And the woman laughed.

The first woman laughed because their world was not chaos. She laughed because the seas were friendly, because air was precious to breathe and water to drink and fish to eat, because the man's hand was good to hold and because laughter and birdsong together flew from the deepest burrow to the tallest tree and filled the world with sound and joy, with form and meaning. She laughed because it was sweet to laugh and sweeter still to be silent and hear, everywhere, from mountaintop to mountaintop, the echoes of her happiness.

And there was evening, and there was morning, when no one counted days.


Eve+ Miriam+ all the women of the Bible

my fanfic, purimgifts, my biblefic

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